Have you ever taken birth control pills to help control acne? Here we tell you why – G5noticias

Contraceptives have been the first choice for women to avoid pregnancy for many years. However, these methods have been shown to have additional benefits. This is the case with combined oral hormonal contraceptives, which contain estrogen and progestin and have anti-androgenic effects. What does it mean? Simply put, they reduce the production of androgens (hormones associated with male characteristics), thereby helping to control acne, regulate menstrual cycles, and reduce the appearance of hair associated with hirsutism (excessive growth of body hair).

The scientific explanation for why this occurs is that some women may have higher levels of hormones typically considered male (such as testosterone), which can lead to acne and more painful or irregular menstrual cycles. Oral contraceptives that combine estrogen and progestin have the effect of reducing androgen production and therefore may reduce the above symptoms.

Dr. Marcela López Pizarro, gynecologist at Clínica Alemana and former president of the Chilean Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, emphasizes that combined hormonal contraceptives “are available in various forms of administration, such as oral, patch, vaginal ring and injection. However, only oral contraceptives containing anti-androgens hormones, which are more effective in controlling hyperandrogenemia. Other routes of administration contain non-antiandrogenic progestins, so their ability to control acne and other manifestations of hyperandrogenemia is less apparent.”

According to experts, oral contraceptive pills have been a trusted tool in the treatment of hyperandrogenism for many years, especially those containing the anti-androgen progestin, which are particularly effective and recommended for patients with acne, oily skin, hirsutism, The first choice for women suffering from hair loss and hair loss. .

Some additional benefits of this type of contraceptive3:
1.- Reduces the effect on oily skin.
2.-They can help you fight acne.
3.- They are a great helper in the fight against hirsutism (excessive hair growth on the face, chest and back in women).
4.- They help fight androgenic alopecia (hair loss).
5.-Treatment of dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome and endometriosis.
6.- Reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer.
7.- Promote menstrual flow and reduce anemia.

When acne and hair become a problem

Androgen-related skin and hair disorders, caused by hormonal imbalances, are a common problem among teenagers. Although these are often more cosmetic and may not be considered serious, they can cause serious emotional and psychological disturbances that affect a teen’s self-image.

In particular, acne is a multifactorial and very common inflammatory skin disease. “In isolated acne, the sebaceous glands are often more sensitive to circulating levels of androgens, which affects women during their reproductive years and postmenopause, and is more prevalent during adolescence,” says Dr. Lopez.

In adolescent girls, acne is common and transient; however, in some cases, this acne is severe, persists or worsens over time, is accompanied by other signs or symptoms, or appears after the age of 20. According to experts, all this information is very relevant as it guides the possible causes of diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, atypical adrenal hyperplasia, androgen-producing ovarian or adrenal tumors, and depending on the cause, the required treatment will be .

Likewise, there are a variety of factors recognized to trigger or worsen acne, such as “diet (consumption of low-fat dairy), premenstruation, hyperhidrosis, stress, smoking, genetic predisposition, use of medications (corticosteroids, vitamin B12 intake, testosterone, lithium, etc.), use of facial cosmetics, seasonal factors (winter), hormonal imbalances and use of facial masks,” the doctor points out.

As for excessive hair in women, it is because the body produces too much male hormones. In most cases, the cause is unknown, although it is mostly due to genetic factors and conditions such as polycystic ovaries. It’s also common to occur along with acne symptoms. Among treatments, one of the most common is a combination of oral contraceptive pills and antiandrogens recommended by experts.

In this sense, it is important to know that this situation, although annoying, may have a solution. The most important thing is to see a doctor. The doctor can fully evaluate each woman’s characteristics and recommend the best treatment plan.

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