He has a distorted idea about my earnings.

Tensions between the two escalated when the actor claimed he lived only on the proceeds of the Yellowstone series: “My wife has a distorted view of my earnings”.

open war between Kevin costner and his wife Christine baumgartner, While the actor is currently busy promoting and recording his main activity, the TV series Yellowstone, the gossip world in Hollywood delights with the witty banter between the two ex-girlfriends. Tensions have been running high between the two, with Baumgartner reportedly demanding maintenance checks of $248,000 a month after refusing to give up the only home the actor owned at the time – which was worth $145 million. This amount is added to the one million 200 thousand dollars that the actor has already paid into the treasury of his ex-wife.

Kevin Costner: “She needs them for cosmetic surgery”

Page Six managed to obtain a series of court documents in which Kevin Costner warned the judge that his wife was “wasting” that money on herself. For Kevin Costner, indeed, Christine Baumgartner’s financial requests, in addition to being excessive, would be cosmetic, not for the well-being of their children, Cayden (2007), Hayes (2009) and Grace Avery (2010). surgery. The actor claimed that his ex-wife is wrong about his earnings: “I live in Yellowstone right now.” For this reason, the plaintiff claims that he is not entitled to pay the amount requested by his ex-wife without first liquidating the property.

another celebrity divorce

The divorce between Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner is another celebrity divorce that has attracted all the international media attention. Regardless of what’s happening on our peninsula – from Paolo Bonolis/Sonia Brugnelli to Ilari Blasi/Francesco Toti – this case, gaining popularity, resembles the case between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp , although in that case he had many more charges. In this case, fortunately for both, Christine Baumgartner and Kevin Costner play only in the field of legacy, not based on personal violence.

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