He is now 43 years old and one of Lotocki’s victims

this thursday He died at the age of 43. Actress, model and television presenter Silvina Luna After health complications after plastic surgery Anibal Lototsky, Who applied methacrylate.

This afternoon, lawyer Fernando Burlando confirmed the news on América TV’s Intrusos.

The actress first appeared in the media in 2001, when she participated in the second edition of big brotherin which she was eliminated, then returned home to finish second.

There she began her artistic career as a TV host, an actor in different plays and a participant in different reality shows. Additionally, he starred in two films: Carriages and carriages in the movie world2012 Crazy her, crazy me 2018.


Silvina Luna.

Lototsky case

In 2010, Silvina Luna underwent plastic surgery on her buttocks with surgeon Aníbal Lotocki. Four years later, she was hospitalized with kidney stones, which medical studies determined were caused by the use of methacrylates, a synthetic product used as a filler. Make bones or dentures.exist aesthetic, also used for Hips and breasts.

Anibal Lototsky

Anibal Lototsky was disqualified from practicing medicine.

Anibal Lototsky was disqualified from practicing medicine.


For this reason, the doctor was sentenced to four years in prison in January 2022 and debarred from his professional qualifications for five years. In addition to models, other victims have accused the surgeon of medical malpractice, including Mariano Caprarola, who died in July.

As a result of taking methacrylates, Luna was diagnosed with kidney failure and hypercalcemia, a water-electrolyte disorder that causes elevated calcium levels and can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, gastrin production, and peptic ulcers . The actress is awaiting a kidney transplant.

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