He reacted to what King Abdullah said about Gaza and the Palestinian issue with an article in the Washington Post

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Social media pioneers have shared clips from item By the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, published by the American newspaper The Washington Post, which touches on the Palestinian issue and the war in the Gaza Strip.

King Abdullah II said, as reported by the Jordanian News Agency: “His Majesty the King confirmed that thousands of victims during more than a month of war in Gaza, most of them civilians, and that thousands of children they were killed under the rubble of destroyed homes, schools and hospitals in Gaza, wondering: “How can we accept all this? These atrocities and these crimes in the name of our common humanity?”.

The Jordanian king called for “respect for humanitarian principles before it is too late and we reach the point of moral collapse for all of us”, stressing that leaders around the world have a responsibility to face the full truth of this crisis, no matter how horrible it is… and that the families in Gaza who are being bombed and taken away… Their homes have nowhere to go. They are victims of collective punishment. There is no longer a safe place, nor a hospital, nor a school, nor a United Nations building.”

He added: “There is no doubt that Gazans will not leave their homes because of a leaflet or a text message ordering them to do so. They know that leaving means losing hope, dignity and the opportunity to return in their land”. They have witnessed what happened to many Palestinians before them and their ancestors over the last seventy years of this conflict.” He stressed that “the Israeli leadership that does not want to take the path of peace based on the two-state solution not being able to provide the security its people need.”

He went on to underline that “Israelis cannot believe that security solutions alone will guarantee their safety and the continuation of their life as usual, while Palestinians live in misery and injustice… Without a political horizon, no there will be a future.” of peace for both Israelis and Palestinians… Our responsibility at this moment.” “It is not limited only to imposing humanitarian intervention and ending the horrible war, but also to recognizing that the current path is not a road on which neither side can win.”

King Abdullah warned: “If the situation remains as it is in the coming days, it will unleash a continuous war of contradictory narratives about who has the right to hate more and kill more, and extremism, revenge and persecution will increase, not only in the region, but throughout the world.” ..”

Interestingly, the release of the Jordanian king’s article comes at a time when the Israeli army announced, early Wednesday morning, that it was carrying out a “precise and targeted operation” inside Al-Shifa hospital, the largest large medical facility on the Gaza Strip, accusing Hamas of “continuing the military use of Al-Shifa Hospital.”, which he said “endangers the hospital’s protected status under international law”.

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