Headaches and Colds: Solutions

cold headache

Nasal congestion and pain extending from the forehead to the mouth, including the area under the eyes. You have a severe headache and cold that you want to stop immediately in order to continue your normal life with minimal health. There are solutions, but one is very clear: it’s time to rest and take care of yourself.

Home remedies for cold and headache

The goal is Reduce nasal inflammation caused by excess mucus, which is the cause of headaches, and may also be the cause of postnasal drip and sore throat. So, what medicine should you take for headaches and colds? Write down these home remedies and other helpful tips:

  • drink lots of fluids. It is very important to stay hydrated and water, natural juices or infusions can do this. Don’t drink too much coffee, and avoid alcohol and caffeinated soft drinks, which can worsen dehydration.
  • drink hot drinks. They have a sedative effect and relieve congestion by increasing mucus flow. Chicken soup, tea, and hot drinks are the most common treatments. Among them, ginger and lemon are an example.
  • Choose honey. You can add it to a warm infusion or drink it alone. Among other things, it helps relieve coughs.
  • Use a humidifier. If the environment doesn’t have enough humidity, your nasal area can become dry.So cool mist humidifiers are useful, but Remember to change the water and clean the equipment every day Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Attack the focus of the throat. If you also have a sore throat, Rinse your mouth with salt water about 3 times a day (Dilute half a teaspoon of salt in 200ml of warm water).they also work candybecause they increase saliva production, providing immediate pain relief.
  • Use a salt solution to clean your nose. For example, saline. Inject through the nose with a rubber syringe to prevent blockage.
  • rest. Lack of sleep and rest can worsen the symptoms of the common cold and can also increase your risk of contracting the common cold.

You can also go to a pharmacy to explain your symptoms and get any over-the-counter medicine Treat colds and other related symptoms, such as headaches or coughs. They are decongestants, antihistamines and analgesics, but should only be used in children over five years of age and adults.

Medication: ibuprofen or paracetamol?

Medications combined with some of the solutions above can help cure a cold faster. Of course, whether you choose pharmaceuticals or home remedies, Ask in situations where extreme caution is required, such as during pregnancy or with young children.

There’s no shortage of ibuprofen and paracetamol in the home medicine cabinet, but which one is best for the symptom at hand? Experts urge you to choose medications that everyone typically takes during catarrh or similar procedures.. This can only be determined through personal observation, as not everyone will have the same effect on one or the other.

Dr. Luis Miguel Garcia of the Association of Family and Community Medicine of Aragon assures, When in doubt, paracetamol should be the first choice. Not because it’s more effective, but because it has fewer side effects and contraindications, especially for people with liver disease.

There are other parameters to choose from, such as associated symptoms.Paracetamol is usually enough to relieve back pain, muscle pain, or fever, but Some patients may find muscle discomfort more effective with ibuprofen. It is also worth mentioning that the latter takes effect faster (about half an hour after taking it) than paracetamol (about 45-60 minutes after taking it).

Anyway, advice Do not exceed 4 grams daily, with doses between 450 and 600 mg. A lower dose may be sufficient and ensure the drug is not abused.

Related Symptoms: When to see a doctor?

cold is Common illnesses caused by viruses. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as fever or chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, cough, sore throat, and symptoms of nasal congestion, such as nasal congestion, green or yellow mucus, and sneezing. These are also mild symptoms of illnesses other than the common cold, such as COVID-19.

Shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain, sudden dizziness, or persistent severe vomiting are not normal symptoms of a cold.so it is recommended to see a doctor.

Furthermore, it is worth knowing that How long will a cold headache last? And other symptoms associated with it: about four days. If the condition doesn’t go away after a week, ten days, or a few days, or it even gets worse, it’s time to see your doctor.

Simply put, to get rid of a cold headache, you have to clear out the excess nasal mucus that is causing the headache. Drinking plenty of fluids, fighting blockages, combating dryness, and rest are keys to recovery as quickly as possible. Over-the-counter medicines, ibuprofen or paracetamol can help, but if you have other symptoms or the headache persists you will need to make an appointment with your GP.


-Aragon Health Institute. Ibuprofen or paracetamol: Best for relieving omicron symptoms. at https://www.iisaragon.es/ibuprofeno-o-paracetamol-que-Function-mejor-para-alivian-los-sintomas-de-omicron/

-Mayo Clinic (2022). Cold medicine: What works, what doesn’t, and what won’t hurt you. at https://www.mayoclinic.org/es/diseases-conditions/common-cold/in-depth/cold-remedies/art-20046403

-U.S. National Library of Medicine (NIH). How to Treat the Common Cold at Home. MedlinePlus. at https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/Patientinstructions/000466.htm

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