Health departments have administered nearly 400,000 doses of flu vaccine since the vaccination campaign began

Valencia, November 5 (European Media) –

Since the start of the 2023-2024 season vaccination campaign on October 16, the Ministry of Health has administered nearly 400,000 doses of influenza vaccine.

Specifically, as of November 2, a total of 399,514 doses of vaccine had been administered. That’s an increase of 21% compared to the 330,178 doses administered during the same period last year.

By province, 38,771 doses have been administered in Castellon, 149,423 in Alicante and 211,320 in Valencia.

Despite the good results so far, Health Minister Marciano Gomez encouraged “people at higher risk of complications due to pre-existing conditions, as well as other patient groups such as health workers and minors” to get vaccinated. Protect their health and the health of those around them.

By risk group, more than half of the doses were administered to people with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (207,146 doses); a further 49,144 doses were administered to immunosuppressed patients, patients with diabetes, and those with renal and neurological diseases of patients.

In terms of health and social care workers, 62,106 doses have been administered to people over 60 with no other risk groups, and 26,262 doses have been administered to health and social care workers. The vaccination coverage rates for health care workers and people over 64 years old in these two weeks were 32.02% and 22.50% respectively.

For children under five without risk pathology, this is one of the new features of this season’s campaign, with more than 17,000 doses administered in the first two weeks. Specifically, 7,060 doses of the intranasal vaccine have been administered to infants aged 6 months to 2 years old, and 10,228 doses of intranasal vaccine to boys and girls aged 2 to 4 years.

In this sense, the Government of the Autonomous Region recalls that this year’s influenza vaccination campaign includes vaccination among Valencians over 60 years old, instead of the previously prescribed 65 years.

Another novelty is the inclusion of pathologically healthy children under five years of age (6 to 59 months) in order to immunize the maximum number of citizens and prevent infections, with intranasal vaccination for 2 to 4 years, which Provides a greater effect. Prevents influenza virus infection, is easier to manage and less aggressive in avoiding punctures.

Influenza vaccination is also planned for people aged 5 to 59 years who are at higher risk for influenza complications, such as: people aged 5 to 18 years who are receiving long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome; people who are occupationally treated with acetylsalicylic acid Persons who have direct contact with animals or their secretions from poultry, pig or mink farms or farms, or wild animals (birds, wild boars or mustelids); and smokers.

Get COVID-19 Vaccination

Regarding covid-19 vaccination, 310,116 doses have been administered. The breakdown by province is as follows: Castellón 32,808, Alicante 118,355, Valencia 158,953.

The most notable of the total number of vaccinations by risk group are 274,870 people over 60 years of age, 18,522 health and/or social hygiene workers and 11,327 people living in closed institutions.

Combined vaccination is recommended for people 60 years or older, people 5 years or older receiving care in functionally diverse centers, and other long-term residents and residents of closed institutions.

Likewise, coadministration is also recommended for people under 60 years of age with dangerous medical conditions; pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy and women in the postpartum period; people living with people who are highly immunosuppressed; public and private health and social health Staff of centers and institutions; and professionals working in essential public services (national security forces and corps, firefighters, civil protection personnel and those working in health emergency services).

Priority vaccinations will prioritize senior centers and functionally diverse residents; people aged 80 and older; health and social care workers; people aged 60 to 79 and other high-risk groups.

Health professionals in accommodation centers have begun vaccinating residents and staff against COVID-19 and influenza at accommodation centres, with support from Ministry of Health staff where necessary.

For those aged 80 or above, they will receive the flu vaccine at the health center at the same time as the COVID-19 vaccine dose.

In this sense, citizens belonging to the high-risk groups requiring vaccination against the coronavirus and influenza can request an appointment from the beginning of the event through the Gva +Salut APP and the Conselleria de Sanitat website.

Regarding vaccinations for pregnant women, vaccinations will be given at health centers through routine pregnancy check-ups.

For health personnel dependent on the Ministry of Health, they will be vaccinated through occupational risk prevention and/or preventive medicine services. In primary care, vaccinations will be administered by center staff.

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