Health minister awaits BCG and hepatitis vaccines – El Sol de Toluca

this Sanitation Committee The state government is waiting for the Mexican government to pass National Center for Children and Adolescent Health (CENSIA) supply of biological products BCG and Hepatitis B for its application to the Mexican population.

Before vaccine shortage The Secretary of Health of the State of Mexico emphasizes that as part of the plan to combat tuberculosis and hepatitis Preventive MedicineContinue the vaccination campaign targeting the population to protect their well-being.

related to biology BCG and Hepatitis BThe Mexican Ministry of Health explained that the entity administered a total of 353,290 doses of BCG and 234,580 doses of the hepatitis B vaccine in August and November 2022, respectively; achieving a total of 250,060 doses of girls, boys, newborns and children under the age of five .

However, the announcement of the second semester of 2023 is awaiting the availability of biologics from the Mexican government through the National Center for Child and Adolescent Health (CENSIA) in order to protection of child population Prevents tuberculosis and diseases affecting the liver.

He explained that vaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is recommended for immunization. you drink and children under one year oldadministered intradermally, on the upper outer surface of the arm and on the outer surface of the thigh, therefore, in the first semester of 2023, the application of biologics continues and is expected in the second semester of this year, the estimates received by the Mexican entity 448,330 vaccinations administered Implemented by the Federation through CENSIA.

With regard to the hepatitis B vaccine, he noted that it was given to children under the age of five and that the program consisted of three doses, with the first dose best given in childhood. first hour of birth (in extreme cases the first 7 days after birth); the second to 2 months third to 6 months old.

He also emphasized that the hepatitis B vaccine is suitable for teenager and adultFor adolescents over 11 years of age and those who have not previously received the vaccine, the dose will depend on the type of vaccine presentation.

Finally, he noted that once the donation is in place, it will be administered to the target age group through the 19 health jurisdictions of the Mexican State Institute of Health (ISEM).

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