Health said they will have the results of both recruitments today and will analyze them…

María Jesús Botella (PP), health representative of the Cordoba Council, said today that they are awaiting the results of a water analysis carried out at the Aljama and Marbella groundwater collection points, which are the source of water for the water supply network. and its three villages, the source of Cryptosporidium protozoan contamination is known today and is banned for direct human consumption.

Likewise, Bothela noted that just yesterday, on Tuesday, there were reliable reports that Baena also had water supplies from reservoirs and Isnahal, albeit in small proportions, so logically the analysis must be done there. In that sense, the representative said they hope to get it done today and in a few days, probably Friday, they will know if Cryptosporidium is present.

So while it may sound like a cliché, “the water ban can be lifted when the issues are resolved,” the representative said.

Bothela wanted to highlight the “speed and effectiveness” of the action taken by the health authorities after five cases of unexplained gastroenteritis were discovered in Baena. Their faeces were analyzed, protozoa were found, and “studies of epidemiological samples revealed that a common link was the drinking of Baena water.” This was later confirmed. “Now we need to know where the source of the problem is, which catchment or water system the contaminated water is coming from.”

Once the situation is identified, Baena City Council will be responsible for solving the drinking water problem through Aqualia, the company that owns the water concession. “Our obligation is to guarantee the health of the people of Córdoba and the ban will not be lifted until we are absolutely sure that the water is in a drinkable condition,” he assured. To this end, “we will study Baena’s hydropower options, That is, where does the water come from, what pipes are used, what tanks are used, etc.”

Similarly, Putra assured that his government’s health surveillance, control and protection efforts “were effective by detecting this health risk”, but said the committee worked “side by side” with Aqualia, which also collected samples and Analysis is carried out, but the obligation to provide drinking water is Aqualia, we can provide all cooperation with Health.

No other cases of infection have been detected in Baena or other cities in Córdoba. Meanwhile, today the towns where water is banned in the province are all those in the northern region, in the valleys of Guardiato and Los Pedroche, as well as in Baena and its villages of Albending, El Zambudio and Los Llanos.

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