Health Tips to Avoid Illnesses in the Cold Season

Guatemala City, Oct. 21 (AGN) – The country’s cold season has begun and is expected to last until February 2024. therefore, Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) has issued several recommendations to prevent illness at this time.

The authority stated via a press release:

The most common illnesses at the time were the common cold, influenza, tonsillitis (infection of the tonsils), laryngitis (infection of the throat), acute otitis media, and pneumonia. Respiratory tract infections vary in severity and can range from mildly uncomfortable to life-threatening.

The Ministry of Health will follow up these cases through channels Directorate of Regulation of Personal Care Plans (DNPAP) Acute Respiratory Infection Program.


Likewise, it was announced that the most vulnerable groups are pregnant women, newborns, infants and children under 5 years of age.

and people over 60 and those with chronic medical conditions, including respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and asthma.

Experts offer the following advice to avoid these situations:

  • Breathe through your nose (not your mouth), allowing warm air to enter your lungs.
  • At night, hang curtains or cardboard over your windows to prevent heat loss.
  • Cover holes and cracks in walls where cold can get in.
  • Protect yourself from the dawn night sky.
  • During the day, keep your house ventilated and open windows and curtains to let in sunlight.
  • Wear appropriate clothing such as a sweater, jacket, dog coat or cape, including gloves, hat and scarf, to protect the head, face and mouth.
  • Keep children and the elderly warm and don’t let them overheat.
  • Protect your skin with moisturizer.
  • Keep lips lubricated and moisturized.
  • Don’t expose yourself to sudden changes in temperature, especially from hot to cold.

Other behaviors

It is also recommended to drink plenty of water and wash hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol gel; teach young children how to do this.

Also, when you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with paper or disposable tissues and put them in the trash. Finally, stay home to recover and avoid infecting others.

Likewise, ask not to spit on the floor or other exposed surfaces; do not share cutlery, straws, glasses, plates, food or drinks. Separate children from other minors or people with respiratory infections. Use a face mask and consume vitamin C-rich liquids, fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, guava, peppers and broccoli.

Health Portfolio added in the statement:

Another recommendation is to maintain a physical distance of 1.5 to 2 meters between people. Avoid lighting stoves, heaters, and campfires in enclosed spaces, and don’t self-medicate.If necessary, go to the nearest health service.

MSPAS reaffirms its commitment to continue providing guidance and medical services to all parts of the country, as the main task of the authorities is to guarantee the health of all Guatemalan people free of charge and to train the best experts in their fields.

Also read:

Over 9,500 health professionals have become permanent staff during this administration


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