Healthy Remember Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Essentials

The Department of Health and Social Services recalls that the combined influenza and 2023/2024 COVID-19 vaccination sites that have been carried out since October 25 last year are as follows:

  • The COVID-19 vaccination point at the old military hospital in the municipality of Ceuta is open from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, without reservation, for any target group (elderly, pregnant women, nursing personnel, social care workers, security forces…). People who do not belong to INGESA’s target groups must go to this vaccination site.
  • Three INGESA health centers: Zone I (El Recinto), Zone II (Otero) and Zone III (Tarajal). For the target group belonging to INGESA.
  • Authorized health centers provide pediatric and vaccination unit care services within their service portfolio. This option is specifically for childhood flu vaccination (children 6 to 59 months old, or other children of various ages who are in risk groups for other reasons).

In order to ensure that the information of this vaccination campaign can cover the entire target population, our ministry requires maximum publicity to increase the vaccination coverage rate of the population.

For more information you can call 956 51 14 27 and 686 16 30 05.

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