Heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux, what’s the best treatment? | Health | Magazines

he gastroesophageal reflux It’s been associated with certain symptoms, and we’ll list the most annoying: a burning sensation in the chest and regurgitation of food. But there are other atypical symptoms that may go unnoticed: persistent cough, choking feeling when lying down to sleep, or chest tightness.

Endoscopy can detect esophageal lesions, but it may also be Esophageal allergyit will be stimulated by a small amount of acid and will not cause lesions, only symptoms.

Reflux and weight gain are major problems with late-night eating

Maybe the discomfort you feel is not reflux but Acid Digestive Diseasecan manifest itself without any injury, either with mild gastritis or with ulcers already formed.

Ulcers can be treated on an outpatient basis with oral medications, but if acute gastrointestinal bleeding occurs, other types of treatment are used, such as intravenous proton pump inhibitors such as pantoprazole.

Endoscopy can show whether there are lesions in the esophagus caused by gastric reflux. Photo: Shutterstock

The last indicator of gastroesophageal disease, the presence of bacteria Helicobacter pyloria combination of antibiotics to eradicate the infection and proton pump inhibitor drugs to heal the ulcer.

When an infection is present but is not completely treated but self-medicated (eg omeprazole), gastritis is not cured but becomes chronic. “Helicobacter pylori Changes in the lining of the stomach called metaplasia develop, which can increase the risk of gastritis or ulcers. When I block the acid (suppressors only), my gastritis clears up immediately, but the underlying disease (due to bacteria) remains and will recur. “

What medicine can I take for gastritis or reflux?

Proton pump inhibitor names include omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, dexlansoprazole, ilaprazole, and dexpantoprazole, Some of these are readily available without a prescription. Which one is right for you?Dr Bustos explained Each of these drugs has nuances. No one is better than the other, but each has a patient-specific application. The person who knows your profile is your doctor.

“For example, in elderly patients taking a lot of medications, pantoprazole is used because it has fewer drug interactions. On the other hand, these mixtures make other inhibitors less effective”, specializing in digestive disorders (also known as gut-brain interaction disorder), says Dr. Bustos. There can be several variations of the same drug, for example pantoprazole, which can be magnesium or sodium. “Magnesium has a longer elimination half-life and improves symptoms more quickly.” Different inhibitors are effective, but it’s up to an expert to decide which one is best for you.

Drugs, even over-the-counter drugs, have pharmacodynamics or a specific way of relating or responding to everything else in the body, and if we don’t respect this and take them at will, we won’t have the results we expect.. For example, inhibitors may not work as well if taken with food. That is why it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach 30 minutes before your first meal.

“Another problem is that proton pump inhibitors usually work by accumulating. After taking it for four days, I have good inhibition of all stomach pumps. If I take it occasionally after a meal because I get heartburn, it doesn’t So effective.”

What to do when you have reflux symptoms?

Don’t worry too much. If the doctor orders an endoscopy, everything will probably be fine. You won’t get ulcers, but you may still have indigestion, a burning sensation.Then It may be related to a stressful situation you are going through. “It’s not important enough to hurt, but it’s important enough to annoy”in which case any food, no matter how it looks, can trigger a crisis.

Proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole, are used in different ways depending on the patient. Photo: Shutterstock

In this case, your doctor will not ignore your symptoms. Even if there is no specific lesion to heal, he will give you low doses of medication to help improve your sensitivity.

“It’s a stress-related stomach disorder; it manifests itself in many ailments of the digestive tract: colonic allergies, dyspepsia, esophageal allergies”. Bustos points out that people of different personalities are prone to stomach or intestinal symptoms. “For example, ulcer patients have a tendency to hysterical neurosis, anger, aggression, strong emotions. Irritable bowel is more associated with depression, lower self-esteem. That’s why we have to deal with the biopsychosocial model. Anyone who wants to separate these three Anyone on the fringes can be wrong”.

Dr. Bustos explained that this symptom is a subjective manifestation of how the patient feels. Sensitivity depends on each individual’s personality, physical health, and what they’re going through. “All of these work on visceral perception, and the patient feels more.”

In addition to reassuring patients and providing all necessary information, Bustos also values Treatment with neuromodulators: anxiolytics, antidepressants, and different types of drugs that act on the central nervous system to alter sensitivity and perception.

Difference Between Heartburn and Reflux: When Damage to the Esophagus Is Worst

Reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus: the stomach fights off the acid, but the esophagus not so much. Dr. James Easter, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic Medical Center in London, said that if reflux disease persists and goes untreated, it can lead to serious complications.

Heartburn is a key symptom of reflux disease, but it’s not the only one. “In GERD, the lining of the esophagus is damaged,” says Dr. Easter. Some people may experience a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, coughing, or asthma-like symptoms that may worsen.

“Complications of reflux disease include esophagitis and inflammation of the lower esophagus,” Dr. East said. “If this persists, patients may experience scarring and constriction,” or a narrowing of the esophagus.

Over time, the valve between the esophagus and stomach may begin to fail, and the acids and chemicals will continue to damage the lining of the esophagus. For some people, reflux disease can cause changes in the cells in the lower layer of the esophagus, making it thick and red, called Barrett’s esophagus.

While heartburn may be a sign, many people with Barrett’s esophagus have no symptoms. Having Barrett’s esophagus does not increase the risk of esophageal cancer. But it’s important that people who reach this point have regular physical exams to check for precancerous cells.

Smoking, being older than 50 years, having a history of Barrett’s esophagus or esophageal cancer, having excess abdominal fat or reflux symptoms for more than five years are all at risk. If you have all three of these factors, see a gastroenterologist for an endoscopy.

Early treatment may include lifestyle changes and medications to help reduce acid reflux, which reduces acid exposure from the esophagus. (Yo)

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