Helpful tips for good eye health in young adults

Young people in general, and college students in particular, tend to have a lot of day-to-day tasks, but a lack of time is no excuse for neglecting the basics of eye health care.

There are many potential eye problems that can affect anyone, and college students and other young adults need to be especially careful about things related to vision.

The Santiago del Estero Academy of Ophthalmology will give you some helpful advice to protect your eye health, mainly prevention.

Be careful with the screen.

Digital eye strain is real, and it can make you very uncomfortable. Staring at any device for long periods of time can dry out and strain your eyes, which can lead to blurred vision. The reason is that people blink far less when using digital screen devices. Remember to keep your eyes away from computers, phones and tablets frequently.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends following the 20-20-20 rule when using these devices: For every 20 minutes you look at a digital screen, give your eyes a rest by looking 20 feet (6 meters) away for a full 20 seconds.

good strategy

Other good strategies for reducing eye strain include:

Alternate reading e-books and paper books.

Look up every other chapter and look out the window.

Avoid using your computer outdoors or in bright places, as the glare from the screen can cause fatigue.

Adjust the brightness and contrast of your computer screen to your comfort.

Maintain good posture while using the computer and reading.

Keep Contact Lenses Clean

Most contact lens wearers admit to at least one poor hygiene habit that puts them at risk for eye infections, according to a study. If you wear contact lenses, always practice good hygiene to prevent eye infections.

Do not share cosmetics.

Never, ever share makeup. It may seem harmless, but sharing makeup can certainly spread viral infections like pink eye. Stick to your makeup and throw it away after three months. If you develop an eye infection, discard eye makeup immediately.

Wear appropriate eye protection for your activity.

If you play sports, whether in school or college, recreational or professional, wear sports glasses to protect your eyes from injury. Many sports have safety glasses designed specifically for athletes of that sport.

In the United States, approximately 30,000 people visit emergency rooms each year with sports-related eye injuries. Most injuries can be prevented by wearing proper protective eyewear.

Maintain good health to support optimal eye health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, not just young people. Exercising, eating right, and not smoking are three of the best investments you can make for your vision. Making healthy choices can help reduce your risk of some eye conditions that become more common with age, such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.

Sleep is important to everyone’s overall health. Sleep deprivation can affect almost every aspect of your life.

Studies have linked poor sleep to car accidents, poor job performance, memory problems and mood disorders.

Recent studies have also shown that sleep disturbances may contribute to heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

A common side effect associated with sleep deprivation is eye twitching. While twitching won’t hurt your eyes, it can be annoying and disruptive. Dry eye can also get worse if you don’t get enough sleep.

Instant Choice, Lifetime Impact

The decisions young people make can affect their future risk of eye disease. Wearing sunglasses reduces UV exposure, which reduces the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and certain types of eye cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk of developing diabetes and diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness. Choosing not to smoke also reduces the risk of macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness in older adults.

Earth in the environment is good for conjunctivitis

As the high winds arrived, local clinic visits for conjunctivitis multiplied, especially among children.

Conjunctivitis is inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane between the eyelid and eyeball.

Typical symptoms include red, gritty, and itchy eyes. A crusty discharge that forms on the eyelashes usually happens overnight.

The condition usually worsens for the first few days, then gradually improves until it disappears. Symptoms usually last 7-14 days, but in some cases, viral conjunctivitis can last 3 to 4 weeks before disappearing completely.

They are usually spread from an infected person to others by:

* Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands with another person.

* Air when coughing or sneezing. Touch a surface or object that is contaminated with germs, then touch your eyes, then wash your hands.

If you notice that your eyes are getting redder or you’re starting to lose vision, it could be a sign that a bacterial infection is getting worse or that you have glaucoma. Be sure to see your doctor right away.

Viral conjunctivitis does not cause the purulent discharge characteristic of bacterial conjunctivitis. Rhubarb may develop due to excessive tearing, but they will not suppurate.

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