Hepatitis B and C cases on the rise in Yucatan Peninsula: SSa

according to the report National Epidemiological Surveillance System (Sinaf)’s Federal Ministry of Healthdifferent kinds of hepatitis This is a substantial increase compared to the previous year, as while viral hepatitis A had a small decrease of almost 11%, viral hepatitis B and C increased by 200% and 111% respectively, so he Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) yucatan peninsula Application of rapid tests aimed at early diagnosis of disease.

According to federal agency data, 75 cases of viral hepatitis A have been reported so far in 2023, compared with 85 cases in the same period in 2022, a slight decrease; however, for types B and C, the number of cases increased significantly, Because 30 and 59 cases have been registered so far, compared to 10 and 28 cases reported respectively last year.

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