Home Remedies for Gastritis in Children – Health

There are several diseases that not only affect adults, but many times also affect children, So as not to affect its growth and developmentyou have to be especially careful about what you give them.

One of them is gastritisAccording to the “Permanent Caesar” portal, this is when the stomach lining becomes irritated.

In addition, this involvement of the stomach also It can be caused by infection or disease.intake of medicines, drinks and food.

According to the portal, the symptoms of gastritis in children are inflammation of the abdomen, pain, belching and vomiting.

Although gastritis can be treated at home when it is mild, it is always recommended to visit a doctor for effective treatment.

Again, it is important that if your doctor recommends treatment, proceed with caution and consult immediately if you notice anything unusual.

Another option available to you is to ask your doctor conduct other types of examinations on minors, Find out what exactly is affecting you.

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According to an article published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, gastritis in children can be treated Multidisciplinary and personalized.

Therefore, it is recommended to take care of minors at home There are some issues to consider..

Multiple cases of gastritis in minors Due to bad eating habits, That means there are no set meal times or stimulating foods.

It is known that minors must have a special diet, which includes all food types, such as proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, However, you must limit your intake of sugary, acidic or spicy foods.

Another gastroenterology publication documented that foods like this Broccoli and fresh blueberries help improve gastritis symptoms in childrenbecause of their anti-inflammatory properties.

garlic It is also a food that can help counteract the effects of gastritis in minors. While its taste may not suit them, it can help fight Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes the disease.

Eat foods containing probiotics It is also a good choice for improving the condition of children with gastritis.

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These live microorganisms can increase the body’s resistance to certain harmful bacteria. Foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and olives.

Additionally, you can consider the following Better Health tips to prevent children from suffering from this discomfort:

– Avoid large meals.

– Try to have dinner as early in the evening as possible so you don’t go to bed full.

– Keep a consistent feeding schedule.

– Make sure your child gets some physical activity.

Don’t forget to consult your doctor whenever you notice something unusual about your or your family’s health.

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Luz Angela Dominguez Coral
Digital Scope Editorial

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