Homemade broth can prevent colds and should not be missing from the diet during these months

Case influenza They were shot. The arrival of severe weather and low temperatures caused a major collapse in the emergency room.If you are one of those who have fallen down and are looking for rWays to Stop Feeling Bad, Food may be the key.

Although the last thing we want to do when we are sick is eating, drinking this soup will make us The irritation in the throat will lessen quite.and it will help you too Reduce nasal congestion.

these are raw material And step-by-step preparation of this delicious and nutritious chicken soup to help protect you from even the worst colds:

raw material

  • 1 onion

  • 1 Leek

  • 1 chicken breast

  • 1 Potato

  • coriander cool
  • 1 piece pumpkin

  • 2 radish

  • skeleton chicken

  • 2 and a half liters water

  • 1 piece laurel

  • 250g Noodle make soup

  • Salt
  • black pepper Black


What foods can you eat to keep you away from the cold?

  1. first thing you have to do Clean all food thoroughly.put them in A large pot and add water to cover them.

  2. cook them two hours This way everything is cooked nicely and the flavors blend together.

  3. When everything is cooked and you have a good broth Chicken and veggies, it’s time Strain it. You have to be careful not to leave any stumbling blocks, because that’s not what you want.

  4. During this step, the liquid you have must be returned to the pot before it can be heated. Add the noodles and cook for 7 minutes while thoroughly mixing in the remaining vegetables.

  5. pick up two spoons Add the puree you just made to the soup on the stove. With this you will be able to give it a more interesting texture and improve the color.

  6. Take the pot off the heat and Let it cool.

suggestion Wait 24 hours Accept it. This way you ensure that the fat from the chicken is completely gone.

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