Homeopathy: A dual-action alternative to fight the flu

Overcoming the current increase in respiratory diseases in our country is a challenge for those who want to take care of themselves naturally. Homeopathy has preventive and restorative properties and is considered an effective and effective alternative that has a respectful and non-harmful effect on the human body.

In this season of acute respiratory infections, homeopathy is an effective and easy-to-use natural alternative to combat various viral illnesses that affect the upper respiratory tract, such as influenza and the common cold.

Low-grade fever, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, body aches, general malaise… According to the World Health Organization, seasonal influenza alone affects more than 1 billion people around the world every year, including 5 million between the ages of 3 and 3 years old who suffer from severe illness. disease. This is why the dual preventive and restorative powers of homeopathy are so useful.

“When we use homeopathic medicines, in addition to relieving symptoms, by stimulating the body’s defenses, we also increase the effectiveness of the defenses against viruses. But what is most relevant to homeopathic treatment of colds or flu is that the use of homeopathic medicines allows us There are two levels at which it can work: prevention and treatment of disease.” Manager of Boirons, Colombia.

Homeopathy works differently than conventional medicine in these conditions. While the latter directly attacks viruses, homeopathic remedies work by strengthening the defenses so that the body can effectively fight pathogens, thereby reducing the likelihood of contracting these respiratory diseases, or their intensity and impact on the patient. This way, people can safely take care of themselves, focus on their health, and ensure well-being through medicines that act on their bodies responsibly, respectfully, and without causing harm.

Effective and respectful solutions

Successfully combating the most severe forms of the flu requires specific actions, specifically aimed at alleviating bothersome symptoms and avoiding complications. Dr. Kajka explains that in order to respect the recovery of biological processes, it is important to rest, constantly rehydrate, eat light meals, maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity in the environment, and avoid drafts.

“It’s important to understand that all the symptoms we feel during a cold or flu are the result of a battle between bacteria and our immune system, meaning that if we had a stronger immune system, we would The body contributes so that it can quickly resolve the viral infection.”

To boost immunity and quickly restore homeostasis, people suffering from severe flu can also turn to homeopathy as it is safe, effective, and simple in dosage and administration.

In addition to being preventive, medications like Concussion can help improve symptoms because, according to doctors, “it strengthens the body’s defense system, stimulating it so that the body’s healing time is shorter, which means flu symptoms Disappears quickly. As a homeopathic medicine, it is safe for all types of patients with any health condition, with no reported side effects or drug interactions, so it is safe to use concurrently with other chronic disease treatments.”

Doctors note that starting at age 2, the recommended dose of Oscillococcinum is one tube sublingually taken weekly if used for prevention, and one tube every 12 hours to treat these respiratory conditions until symptoms resolve. He emphasized that there are studies that “demonstrate a reduction in symptoms (48 hours) after treatment with Oscillococcus aureus and, in terms of prevention, a reduction in the prevalence of respiratory infections in people with recurrent influenza infections.”

Nursing measures

Stopping cold and flu infections is in everyone’s hands. The following simple but powerful actions recommended by Dr. Kajika can contribute to personal and global well-being:

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes into your forearm to prevent the spread of viruses, including influenza, which is spread through saliva droplets in the air. Using a mask is ideal if you experience any symptoms. Additionally, you must avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Frequent hand washing with soap and water is important to remove pathogens. There is no need to use antibacterial gel.
  • Given the development of influenza-related symptoms, preventive isolation is recommended to prevent the infection from multiplying. It is best to limit contact, especially with high-risk groups (pregnant women, children, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, and the immunosuppressed), as they are more susceptible to complications from respiratory infections.
  • If you have any flu-related symptoms, please stay home to avoid disturbing those in your family, social, school and work environment.
  • Use medications that help strengthen your immune system and enhance its response (such as Oscillococcus aureus) and reduce the likelihood of the flu or cold getting worse.

“Sometimes, influenza can be complicated by other types of bacterial infections or aggravate a patient’s pre-existing conditions. The most common complications are otitis media, sinusitis, asthma attacks, pneumonia, laryngitis, and bronchitis,” Bois, Colombia Long’s medical manager said. Of course, if flu symptoms get worse or don’t improve, it’s important to see your doctor.

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