Horoscope Paolo Fox: forecast for Monday, August 14, 2023

Good morning and good start to the week. August 14 – the eve of August 15, as well as the feast of the Assumption; a day to live carefree and, why not, enjoy the pleasures of good food. Paolo Fox, the authoritative voice of astrology, sees an abundant dose of luck for various signs on this day. But let’s find out the forecasts in more detail.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Aries

Aries friend, you have a pretty good day ahead of you. Know that you have a very interesting compatibility; also on the financial front you seem to be in luck. Your Achilles’ heel right now may be health; look after her.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Taurus

Dear little bull, get ready to start a prosperous day of good communication, as well as interesting contacts that will make you the main character of your life. Your adaptability is not great, but not bad either; it needs to be improved.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope, predictions for Gemini

Dear twins, the week also starts under a lucky star for you, especially in terms of compatibility, which will make you brighter at work and in your career. Finances may require extra attention, but overall you’re in luck.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope, predictions for Cancer

Dear Cancer friends, a day full of energy awaits you; use it where it is closest to you. Your health may need a little more attention than usual; finances are also unstable. In love, you are a little on the high seas.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Leo

Dear Leo, get ready to start the day with unstoppable stamina and energy. Luck is on your side now, however you may face some setbacks on the financial front. Somewhat uncertain health; wisdom and intuition at stellar levels.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Virgo

Virgo friends, there is something holding back your social skills, so your compatibility may suffer from some alignment. Even on the financial front, you may encounter some setbacks. Know that trials come to build character.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Libra

Dear balancers, you too are champions when it comes to energy and vitality. However, you may experience a downfall on the love and career fronts. On the financial front, you have to be careful; even health requires caution and prudence.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Scorpio

Dear Scorpio, even today you confirm that you are on the pole position on the adventure front; you have all the resources to get involved. However, be careful on the financial front; even love promises to be in troubled waters. Rely on your intuition to overcome whirlpools and whirlpools.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Sagittarius

When it comes to compatibility, Sagittarius friends are in a tough spot. On the other hand, your adaptability is off the charts; which makes you resilient in the face of life’s uncertainties. Your finances are in excellent condition.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, forecasts for Capricorns

Dear Capricorn, you are great when it comes to compatibility, however your communication skills are a bit fuzzy. Work on it a little. On the financial front, you have to exercise caution; it’s time to focus on your career; know that you have excellent chances to express yourself to the fullest.

Horoscope Paolo Fox, predictions for Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, the forecasts are kind to you when it comes to compatibility; it seems that you have a certain charisma and that you are able to attract a lot of likes. You are sailing on good water in a career and in love, financial failures are possible.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope, predictions for Pisces

Friends of the fish, according to Fox’s predictions, the day starts in the name of good luck. You have great intuition, perfect for sailing in choppy waters. Finances are in good health and love can distract you from your goals.

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