How does ginger help prevent the flu? – finance

“Achúúúúú!” …and take out the ginger: this ingredient is one of the most popular flavors in the world and is not only the famous protagonist Christmas cookies or dried gingerbut it is part of an overall home remedy, especially for respiratory ailments.

A root that is very similar in shape and flavor to turmeric (another popular species), ginger is pungent and versatile, often paired with cinnamon, turmeric, honey, and more.

While some people drink infusions of this spice to lose weight, in traditional medicine it is used to aid digestion, reduce nausea, and especially fight flu and colds, but does it really work?

Before you start consuming ginger for all your ailments, we’re going to tell you what the science actually is.

What are the benefits of taking ginger for sore throats and flu?

Ginger contains active compounds called Gingerol and shogaolthese are very powerful Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

according to Harvard Health Publishingmany of the medicinal properties of this plant are obtained from gingerol, which, in addition to aroma and flavor, contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B3 and B6, iron, potassium, and vitamin C; however, It’s not exactly a cure. For the cold.

Medical News Today explain what no conclusive evidence Research shows ginger can dispel cold, but research thinks it can help Prevent or improve symptoms.

“There is no cure for a cold or flu, but A bowl or cup of chicken soup Hot ginger tea with honey Can help control symptoms. Some home remedies – such as vitamin C – can slightly shorten the duration of the illness,” says Healthline.

Preliminary studies, particularly laboratory or animal studies, have linked these potential effects of ginger to relief from respiratory illnesses, although more research in humans is needed, he said. Medical News Today:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Antiviral: Fresh ginger helps fight respiratory viruses, but there is no evidence that it protects against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 that has been spread on social networks.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Useful for people with throat infections as it reduces inflammation called pharyngitis.
  • Antioxidants: Help prevent cell damage caused by inflammation.

How to take ginger for flu or sore throat?

Healthline explained in detail ginger infusion Not only does it give you a cup full of antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory benefits; Reduce pain and nauseain addition to moisturizing and relieving sore throats.

Your drink may be more helpful in relieving cold symptoms if you add lemonas it is a good dose of supplemental vitamin C, which can strengthen the immune system; and Honeyhelps relieve sore throats.

In addition, ginger also has heating effect, Medical News Today adds, that is, it promotes heat. The website ensures it’s ready to eat fresh in a number of ways:

  • Add lemon to hot water as an infusion.
  • In juice or smoothie.
  • “Shot,” grated with other ingredients like lemonade or coconut water.

consumer power If you have a cold, the following recipes are recommended:

  • Boil a small piece of peeled, chopped or grated ginger, not too much as your drink may be quite spicy.
  • Let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Filter the infusion.
  • You can add lemon juice and honey.

Who should not take ginger?

Remember, if you have a special condition, you should consult your doctor before consuming any plant as medicine, as you may experience side effects.

Ginger can interfere with certain medications because it slows blood clotting. Medical News Today It is recommended to avoid using it in several situations:

  • If you take antiplatelet drugs, such as aspirin or clopidogrel, or anticoagulants.
  • It may cause additional bleeding during or after surgery.
  • During pregnancy, you should check with your doctor to determine if it is safe.

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