How is Pope Francis’ health?This is what the Vatican says | Universal

The pope’s health is improving, he does not have a fever and continues to receive treatment. “

Bulletin of the Holy See

Francisco, who has canceled his trip to attend the COP28 climate summit that ends today in Dubai due to medical advice, “will recite the Angelus at his residence, Casa Santa Marta, to avoid exposure to temperatures tomorrow morning “in a changing environment”.

“The prayers will be broadcast live on television and on screens in St. Peter’s Square by Vatican media and Vatican News websites,” the note states.

Last Thursday, the pope said that “thank God the disease he was suffering from was not pneumonia” but “a very acute form of infectious bronchitis,” although he no longer had a fever and continued to recover after taking antibiotics .

He also explained the reason why doctors advised him not to travel to Dubai for the COP28 climate summit: “The reason is that it is very hot there and you switch from heating to air conditioning. In this bronchial condition, it is not convenient.”

Today, the Pope’s message was read in Dubai by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, in which he reiterated his demand to create a country with weapons to fight hunger and to promote measures to combat hunger and climate change. fund.

“Let us put aside our differences and unite! With God’s help, let us emerge from the nights of war and environmental destruction and turn our common future into a bright dawn.”

On Saturday, Francesco, who turns 87 on December 17, underwent a CT scan at a Rome hospital that confirmed these health problems but ruled out pneumonia.

Just like that, it was surprisingly announced that due to medical advice, he had to suspend his trip to Dubai from tomorrow, December 1 to December 3. Read here: Pope Francis’ health: No fever, but ‘inflammation of the lungs’

In April, he was hospitalized for three days with bronchitis, which had to be treated with antibiotics, a worrying situation since the Pope had a fever and arrived in an ambulance; in June, surprisingly, adhesions appeared due to a previous operation 2021 In July, he underwent surgery again for colon diverticulum and abdominal hernia, and was hospitalized for 9 days.

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