How Jennifer Aniston’s 15-15-15 workout works to stay in shape | Vanity Fair Italy

He just turned 54 a dazzling figure, the usual smile of a neighbor: Jennifer Aniston he is experiencing a truly positive moment, fully covering the new facets of his age.

For keep fitAniston does nothing phenomenal: a lot of yoga, a lot of Pilates and the 15-15-15 method, developed by her, which she explained in an interview with Tastefully, tastefully, stylishly: “Last fall, I got injured and for a while did only Pilates, which I love. But it’s known that it doesn’t make you sweat and I missed this more physical side of the sport. So I went back to my 15-15-15 method.”

What is the 15-15-15 method?

Aniston devotes 15 minutes to each discipline included in her sports diet: 15 minutes of pedaling on a stationary bike, 15 minutes on an elliptical trainer, and 15 minutes on a treadmill. Eventually, 45 minutes of cardio does not get bored and is going to train different muscles on each machine. But these are not the only advantages of this type of training.

Benefits of training 15-15-15


Time flies 15 minutes is the right time – neither too much nor too little – dedicate to each instrument. You warm up, train, but without excessive fatigue or, conversely, boredom. But let’s remember that it’s always good before the beginning session, do at least a ten-minute muscle warm-up with preparatory stretching.

Aniston devotes the first 15 minutes to them on an exercise bike


You train both the lower and upper body

Exercise bikes and treadmills obviously train the lower limbs of the body, but the elliptical trainer allows you to train the upper limbs at the same time, making physical activity more complete and harmonious. In addition, it allows you to maintain a high heart rate without excessive energy expenditure. A quarter of an hour to cool down in the middle of a session, allowing you to exercise your heart and lungs effortlessly.

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