How long do they last in the mouth?

Kissing is an expression of love and affection that many couples enjoy.However, have you ever thought aboutHow long can bacteria survive in the mouth after kissing?? Here, we share with you what one study reveals.

As you know, kisses often express our love and affection for another person, but you may also find a variety of germs that may take longer to disappear than you think.

What happens to saliva when we kiss?

When we kiss someone, we not only exchange emotions and passion, but also a range of biological components, such as saliva and DNA. Surprisingly, some experts believe that another person’s saliva can remain in our mouths for up to six months.

A study by Comenius University Institute of Molecular Biology A study in Bratislava reveals a surprising fact: When you kiss, not only are bacteria and saliva shared, but genetic material is also shared.

According to the study, kissing can detect the Y chromosome, meaning it can only be used to identify male DNA in female saliva.

The discovery could have important implications for forensic science, as male DNA can be retained for up to an hour after a kiss.

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How many germs are spread when kissing?

The mouth is a breeding ground for a variety of microorganisms, and when we kiss someone, an exchange of microorganisms can occur. bacteria.

According to some experts, even a kiss lasting just 10 seconds can spread up to 80 million germs. This makes us reflect on the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and making sure our partners have good oral hygiene too.

What diseases can be spread through kissing?

Now that you know how long bacteria in your mouth lasts after a kiss, you should know that while kissing someone can be a wonderful experience, it also comes with certain health risks. Some effects that can be transmitted through kissing include:

  • herpes: Cold sores are a highly contagious viral disease that can be spread through direct contact, such as kissing. It’s important to know about the presence of herpes before kissing someone to prevent its spread.
  • wart: Warts can be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and can be spread through kissing. It’s important to practice good hygiene and be aware of any suspicious growths on your partner’s skin.
  • chicken pox: Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is spread through close contact, including kissing. If someone develops symptoms of chickenpox, it is recommended to avoid close contact until the disease is completely gone.
  • Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is a viral disease that can be spread through saliva, blood and other body fluids. It’s important to know your partner’s hepatitis B status and take preventive measures if necessary.
  • respiratory tract infection: Respiratory infections, such as the flu or the common cold, are easily spread through kissing. If someone is showing symptoms of the illness, it is recommended to avoid kissing until they have fully recovered.
  • mumps: Mumps, also called mumps, is another viral disease that can be spread through saliva. If this condition is suspected, precautions must be taken and a doctor consulted. Infect.

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Where are more bacteria found: in the mouth or on the hands?

The mouth harbors a large number of bacteria. According to scientists, every millimeter of saliva contains at least 100 million bacteria, representing at least 615 different species. This highlights the importance of good oral hygiene and the use of antibacterial mouthwash.

In the case of hands, they may also be reservoirs of microorganisms. Well, studies show that there are more microorganisms found under fingernails than in the entire United States, so we recommend washing your hands frequently and practicing good personal hygiene.

Kissing is a way to show affection to others, but it can also carry health risks. It’s important to be aware of potential dangers, such as the spread of disease, and take steps to protect yourself and your partner.

Now that you know how long bacteria stays in your mouth after kissing, we invite you to watch the following video:

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