How much do VIPs earn on Instagram? Astronomical numbers for Ferragni, CR7 and more

Influencers and VIPs earn astronomical numbers on Instagram. From Chiara Ferragni to Cristiano Ronaldo, through Beyoncé: here are the sums.

Instagram has been considered one of the most beloved and influential social networks on the Internet for many years. The platform allows you to connect users from one place to another, but above all it manages to do marketing and business like no other social network. All thanks to the interaction between the profile of the character and his followers.

Number of VIPs on Instagram (Photo Source: Ansa) –

Even the most famous VIPs have taken advantage of the popularity of Instagram to turn your profile into a source of business. There are hundreds of characters known all over the world. earn very large sums of money from one post. They belong to different sectors, from fashion to football, through music and cinema.

Recently published a list of the highest paid people in social networks according to how much do VIPs earn for Instagram posts. The magazine made it famous Hopper’s headquarterswho made a list showing how much money they can earn from just one piece of content.

How much do VIPs earn on Instagram: ratings

The rating made Hopper’s headquarters he explained that the richest of all, or the VIP who earns the most from posting on Instagram, is Cristiano Ronaldo. The former Juventus striker boasts 442 million followers. $2.397 million per post.

The highest paid VIPs on Instagram (Photo source: Ansa) –

He took second place Kylie Jenner, whose profile has 338 million followers. A mail heiress could be worth $1.835 million. Closes the podium world champion Lionel Messi with his 327 million followers and earned amount $1.777 million per post.

Characters such as also got into the rating Selena Gomez and his 320 million subscribers, whose earnings are $1.735 million per post. He is followed by Dwayne Johnson with 315 million followers. $1.713 million per postBye Kim Kardashian has 311 million followers and one of his posts could be worth the beauty $1.689 million.

Just below the Kardashians Ariana Grande with a win $1.687 million per post. To close the ranking beyoncé With $1.393 million per post and sisters Khloe Kardashian AND Kendall Jennerwho earn accordingly $1320 million AND $1.290 million per post.

The first Italian to be ranked was Xabi Lamewho of those who they earn more on TikTok. figures for his post on social media they revolve around 317 thousand dollars. Free movement follows him Claire Ferragniwith his 94 thousand dollarsand on the podium in Italy there is Gianluca Vacca With $78,000 per post. All three are in the top 100.

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