How much does it cost to visit Tapalqué Hot Springs?

Spring is slowly approaching and I can’t help but get out of the house every weekend and look for some nice places to visit nearby. Termas Tapalqué, approximately 280 kilometers from Caba, is the newest hot spring complex in the province of Buenos Aires. It is located on 17 hectares of wooded land on the outskirts of the city and the first planning phase provides for a set of covered swimming pools to be added to the Plaza de Aguas, which houses commercial and gastronomic venues. ) superior.

An excellent team of assistants will introduce each visitor to the power of water, the conditions required for bathing, as well as massage, physiotherapy and other activities carried out in the hotel. There are also nurses on hand to answer questions and queries.

the power of its waters

Regarding medicinal mineral waters, it is worth noting that due to their chemical, physical and physicochemical composition, they have therapeutic properties that have a significant and direct effect on the body. In the case of Tapalqué thermal springs, they act as stimulants of organic and metabolic functions, improve cell nutrition, healing and tissue repair processes, and stimulate blood and lymph circulation.

Based on previous research, it’s important to remember that soaking baths should last no longer than 20 minutes, allowing you to rest and rehydrate to restore balance to your body. In vapor form they are ideal for the treatment of respiratory diseases, including upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and otitis media; such as deep chronic bronchitis, chronic bronchial obstructive processes or asthmatic processes.

For those interested in visiting Termas Tapalqué, please remember that admission must be booked in advance and is limited to 600 people per day. On the other hand, we have to take into account the trifa that is valid until November 31 next year.

General admission $3,600

Retirees and pensioners $2,700

Children 3 to 12 years old $2,700

Tapalqué residents $1,800

The hotel is open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10 am to 6 pm. 10am-6pm Bookings must be made in advance by calling 02281 585125.

Would you like to open a business on this property?

Recently, the proposal to open a business on the Termas Tapalqué property is now open. It is considered a place to rent secure lockers and sell crafts and gifts. Specifications can be delivered until October 25 next year, for more information you must contact the email

Municipal Procurement Office phone number 02283420117

To find out everything you can find in the Tapalqué thermal springs, you can visit

About Tapalk

The town of just over 10,000 residents is laid out in a grid around the main 9th of July avenue. Eating well, enjoying the outdoors at Arroyo Tapalqué’s spa and learning about the culture of Buenos Aires are just a few details that make Tapalqué an all-encompassing city.

The municipal spa is king and features a municipal campground that locals and visitors alike enjoy in the spring and summer. In the same park, visitors can even enjoy a heated swimming pool, whose architecture is modern and sustainable. Costanera stretches 5 kilometers north and south from the fishing club to the Don Regino Stone Jump, with a similar distance extending along the cycle path to the bike path.

Food to suit every taste. But, yes or no, you must visit the “San Gervasio” grocery store, located in an old building from about 1850 that was once a stop for shopping carts, stagecoaches and automobiles. There’s also a grill, pizzeria, cafeteria and brewery. But the most original is Tapalqué’s famous “black cake”, which even gave rise to the annual Black Cake Festival, held every second weekend of January.

As for cultural attractions, a must-see is the renovated Municipal Museum and Greenhouse, where you can learn more about primitive culture, gaucho costumes, archeology, paleontology, knives and firearms, illustrating the town’s historical context. .

As for accommodation, the offer is constantly expanding and offers many options to rest comfortably in hotels such as Hotel Tapalqué Cooperativo, Las Moradas or Rancho Apart.

Within a radius of about 50 kilometers from the main city there are many interesting places worth visiting and exploring: Yerbas, Velloso, Covello, Campodónico, Que. Crotto, Altona, San Bernardo and La Protegida. They are small towns where time passes at other rhythms.

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