How to deal with them during the hottest months of the year?

We usually associate the flu with a seasonal problem, more to do with the colder months, but we ask ourselves if we can catch the flu in the summer. “Although there is a possibility of flu in summer most commonly a cold. The flu and summer cold are the same illnesses you can get at any time of year; often the only thing that differs is what causes it.The most common cause of summer is sudden temperature change We suffer between the outdoors and air-conditioned places (homes, offices, shops, restaurants) … air-conditioning irritates our nasal mucosa and facilitates the entry of rhinoviruses, which are the main culprits of colds,” he said. Jose Antonio Valdes Gonzalez, Lanier Pharma Pharmacist and Natural Products Researcher. The truth is that, in most cases, the viruses that cause this so-called “summer flu” are usually different from those that cause epidemic outbreaks in the coldest months. But these symptoms can ruin our vacation.

“Furthermore, when we were sick in the summer, when we first started to show signs of improvement, the vast majority of people were careless and did not complete the recovery process, which led to Subsequent relapse. It’s also important to prime our immune system for these days so it’s strong and protected, he advises.

Also read: How to treat a cold?

rest even in summer

“If you have symptoms of the common cold or flu, you need plenty of rest to fully recover and regain strength. You can live a normal life, but don’t overdo it: must be hydrated with cool water, not ice water; avoid energy drinks or alcoholic beverages, and sudden changes in spaces of different temperatures; eat a balanced diet, especially Iron-Containing Nutrients, Vitamin C and Zinc to ensure the immune system is protected and stronger than ever.Also take advantage of the fact that in summer you can open the windows to have more airy space’, he suggested.

One of the reflections we ask ourselves is whether the fact that we live in a more global society and travel around the globe (remember, it’s midwinter in the Southern Hemisphere) affects the fact that the virus spreads more. “In recent years, we have seen an unprecedented increase in diseases affecting the respiratory system, and because we live in a more globalized environment, these diseases affect not only a single hemisphere or region of the planet, but places, unlike a Increased tendency to move from one place to another And – not always – take the necessary precautions against certain diseases. But as far as flu or colds go, they are non-serious illnesses and you are as likely to catch them in our country as you are in any other country. I don’t think globalization will affect the increase of these diseases in summer”, the experts believe.

Also read: Latent Respiratory Virus: How to Combat Symptoms and Prevent Contagion?

runny woman

runny woman

Differentiating between a cold and the flu

In fact, as we said, the main thing at this time is the cold. “The most obvious difference between the two diseases is the severity of symptoms. Unlike cold, flu is more severe and debilitating And can cause a high fever for three days or more. Another difference is that the flu comes on suddenly, with symptoms that may last a week or two. In contrast, colds develop gradually and are of shorter duration,” he told us.

“The symptoms of influenza are the same whether in summer or in any season. In addition to general malaise (typical symptoms during any viral infection), it presents easily recognizable symptoms”, commented the expert, who put them Summarized as follows:

  • fever: The normal situation is only a few tenths of a degree, reaching 37°C-37.5°C, but summer is hot and the heat is even higher. Although there is no high fever, chills and flushing are common.

  • cough and dry throat: You may have a mild cough with no phlegm and a dry, irritated throat. This can cause discomfort when trying to eat.

  • Congestion and lots of mucus: Mucus is thin, but present frequently.

  • sneeze: Sneezing is frequent, especially in the early stages of a cold, which can often lead to confusion with allergies.

“There are no more complications with the flu in the summer than at any other time. The only thing we have to have Be especially aware that dehydration may be worse in summer. While it’s true that having the flu in the summer is more “annoying” because you have to rest when you want to be outside and make plans, you have to avoid very cold drinks, and don’t go to the beach or pool until you’ve recovered…’, he details road.

Also read: Have you noticed climate change making your allergies worse?Here are eight mitigation strategies

prevention skills

What advice do experts give to prevent these flu and cold symptoms in summer? “One of the main tricks is mainly to avoid sudden changes in temperature between the interior and exterior of any space. Many times, We go above and beyond in the use of air conditioning, and overly chilled beverages. Other tips we recommend are as follows:

  • you must keep a Air humidity above 30%, which is necessary to prevent dry mucous membranes and colds. We recommend having a humidifier in your home or workplace and you will notice the difference!

  • Diet is also key Avoid colds as much as possible, as essential micronutrients help your defenses. Fruits and vegetables are your allies.

  • Stay well hydrated: Summers are hot and we tend to sweat easily and thus dehydrate easily, so staying well hydrated is very important. Also, certain groups must be focused on, such as the elderly or young children.

  • use natural supplements To prevent viral and bacterial infections.

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