How to differentiate between gastroenteritis and food poisoning

Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.These are some symptoms gastroenteritis, but Sometimes these same signs can be caused by: food poisoning. How do we distinguish one from the other?

  1. Experts explain that it can difficult to distinguish The difference between food poisoning and stomach flu, as both conditions have a variety of symptoms.

this Gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection It causes inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines, is usually caused by a virus (rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, or astrovirus) and is often spread through contact with bacteria infected person Therefore, extreme precautions are recommended, especially frequent hand washing by the affected person and those around them.Viral gastroenteritis usually has a periodand incubate for 24 to 48 hours Symptoms will appear later.

food poisoning

on the contrary, food poisoning It usually comes from viruses or bacteria growing in food that wasn’t cooked properly or wasn’t refrigerated for too long.Its symptoms may appear within two to six hours after eating spoiled food, but when the infection is caused by: bacteria For example, Salmonella, Campylobacter or E. coli can reach Takes up to six days. These bacteria are often found in raw or undercooked chicken, turkey, and other types of meat; eggs; unpasteurized milk or uncooked fruits and vegetables.

have Other parasites For example, Giardia, which may also be present in food and water contaminated with feces containing the parasite, can It takes one to two weeks.

There are also viruses, such as norovirus, that can cause food poisoning. In these cases, symptoms appear hours after eating food that came into contact with a food handler carrying the virus.

Just like infections caused by viruses, infections caused by bacteria can be prevented by washing hands frequently, cooking food well, and avoiding foods that are not kept well refrigerated.


Gastroenteritis and food poisoning usually resolve on their own, but some guidelines can reduce the intensity of symptoms and improve the recovery process, such as ingestion, explains expert Adeslas Large amounts of oral fluid Use with glucose and electrolytes or broth to prevent dehydration, or in more severe cases, medications to control nausea and vomiting.

If the infection is caused by bacteria or parasites, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics or antiparasitic medications.

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