How to get rid of toenail fungus?

Author: Caroline Hopkins

Q: I seem to have fungus under my toenails, but how can I tell for sure? Will onychomycosis disappear on its own?

A: Toenails that are yellow, brittle, and oddly shaped often indicate that a fungal infection called onychomycosis is present there. Experts confirm that these infections don’t go away on their own and if left untreated, they can easily spread from one person to another.

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“Fungi tend to be voracious,” said Boni Elewski, chair of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. if we contract them through close contact For example, when being around an infected person or walking barefoot in a locker room. They can spread under the toenails and spread to the nails themselvesElewski commented. Damp, sweaty shoes provide favorable conditions for fungus to grow.

Approximately one in 10 people worldwide suffer from onychomycosis The condition becomes more common as we age, with more than half of people over the age of 70 suffering from it. Patients with diabetes or compromised immune systems Those who are frail are also more susceptible, says dermatologist Sally Lipner of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City.

$!About 1 in 10 people worldwide suffer from onychomycosis.

About 1 in 10 people worldwide suffer from onychomycosis.

Q: Is this really a fungus?

A: Experts say the first step in getting your nails back to normal is to first confirm that they actually have fungus. Some signs include thickened, discolored, cracked, misshapen or sometimes painful nails. and plague.

But only half of all abnormal-looking nails are caused by fungi, Elewski said. Nail traumawhether caused by a one-time injury or repetitive activities wearing shoes that are too tight, They can also cause discoloration or thickening of toenails. “Appearance alone does not confirm onychomycosis”he added.

According to Lipner, usually Doctors confirmed it was nail fungus when they examined the sample under a microscope.

They may also perform a PCR test or fungal culture to determine which species is infecting the nail.a, although these tests aren’t always necessary because most people have a fungus called Trichophyton rubrum, Lipner explains.However, if the treatment doesn’t seem to be working, it may be Dermatologists want to know more about the organisms under the nails.

Prescribing antifungals almost always solves the problembut it’s not a good idea to take them without first confirming the presence of the fungus, Elewski says. If fungicides are used unnecessarilythis The effectiveness of these drugs decreases over time and contributes to the growing problem of antifungal resistance.

$! Prescribing antifungal medications will almost always solve the problem.

Taking antifungal medications will almost always solve the problem.

Q: Which fungicide is most effective?

A: While some pharmacies dedicate entire aisles to over-the-counter antifungal creams, Elewski notes Over-the-counter treatments or home remedies may at best improve the appearance of your nails.

If we really want to kill fungi “The only option is prescription fungicides.”says Antonella Tosti, a dermatologist who treats nail disorders at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Have a prescription for topical use, such as a cream, ointment, or serum solution; There are also oral antifungals available as pills.

According to Lipner, Topical antiseptics may be useful for milder cases affecting only one or two nails. But one disadvantage is that it may take about a year for the fungus to completely disappear.

If there is fungus under several nails, Or if the nails are too thick, Lipner usually prefers Oral prescription. These pills (terbinafine or itraconazole) can kill nail fungus in about three months.According to Lipner, even though the oral medication has killed the fungusnails may look strange for up to a year while new nails are growing That’s not infected.

Elewski commented that, at the same time, Some remedies from the pharmacy can improve the appearance Remove the nail by softening the surrounding skin or thinning the nail. Nail polish can sometimes be used on infected nails while taking oral antifungal medications, Lipner says.but This is not necessary if using topical medications.

Did they prescribe one for us? Oral or topical antifungalsTosti said it’s important to stick with treatment every day. “This is not something that can be cured in a few weeks. It is very important to comply with treatment”he explained.

$! The most that over-the-counter treatments or home remedies can do is improve the appearance of your nails.

Over-the-counter treatments or home remedies may at best improve the appearance of your nails.

Q: How can I prevent the infection from recurring?

Answer: Experts warn Successfully eliminating onychomycosis doesn’t mean it won’t come back. In fact, approximately 25% of patients will become infected again.

Lipner Recommends Thoroughly wash socks or other clothing that came into contact with the original infection Throw away the shoes you wore when the nail fungus developed or spray them with disinfectant.

Generally speaking, to prevent fungi, You should trim your toenails and avoid walking barefoot in the locker room. At the gym or around the pool, Lipner says.If our feet often sweat in closed-toed shoes, we should wear moisture-wicking socks if possible Change into dry shoes.

If the skin on your feet becomes dry, swollen, itchy, or scaly, you may have Athlete’s footwhich It is caused by the same fungus that can spread to nails; It is therefore important to get treatment immediately. Unlike the situation with toenail fungus, Some over-the-counter medications can help combat athlete’s foot.

“But we shouldn’t blindly self-treat. We must confirm with a dermatologist that we are using the correct treatment”Lipner pointed out.

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