How to prepare mud mask at home?

Clay has long been used as Natural remedies for a variety of health problems. Natural medicines have widely incorporated it with positive results, especially due to its ease of preparation.

There is one clay diversitymany of which have medicinal propertiesbacked by traditional practices and solid scientific research.

Where do you get your mud mask?

This results from the decomposition of feldspar, which represents 60% of the Earth’s outer layer, The main ingredients are silica and alumina.

Clays have a strong affinity for water, meaning they retain liquids effectively, and have excellent adsorption capabilities, which helps explain their properties therapeutic properties.

This makes them Retains gas and exhibits therapeutic effectsAdditionally, its added benefits come from its mineral composition, which varies depending on the type of clay.

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Most healing clays are bentonite clay, They form in volcanic ash beds. When volcanic ash compacts and interacts with water, it transforms primarily into kaolinite (in acidic environments), montmorillonite (in slightly alkaline environments, such as seawater), or zeolites (in strongly alkaline environments).

When you are looking for medicinal clay, you may come across Options like green or white claysome of which also carry names related to their origin or traditional use, such as Moroccan Atlas rhassoul or French green clay.

Woman using facial mask. (Source: Freepik/sanivpetro)

Steps to Prepare an Effective Clay Mask

It is crucial to ensure that there is very little sand or impurities in the clay.

  1. Put clay into clay containerceramic, wood or glass, avoid using metal or plastic containers.
  2. Add purified water and let the clay sit. If the mixture is too liquid, add more clay powder until it reaches a consistency that is easy to shape and can be easily formed into balls.
  3. You can prepare enough for a few days and then leave it out in the sun and air, Ensure proper coverage to avoid impurities.

Adding water and kneading will promote the growth of bacteria in the claywhich will modify your therapeutic properties. Once it’s ready, you can form it into a plaster, compress, wrap, mask, etc., depending on what’s most convenient for the area you want to treat.

Can be applied hot or cold, but cold compress is preferred in most cases. If needed, heat in a water bath or mix with hot water.

To enhance a specific effect, you can Mix clay with other ingredients like cabbage, garlic, honey, oil, onions, etc.. For example, you can add banana or avocado to a face mask, or brewer’s yeast to treat acne.

Benefits of clay

Clay is particularly beneficial for skin problems, injuries and inflammatory processes.

  • Skin problems: They effectively remove excess oil and toxins from the skin, helping to keep it clean and healthy. Due to its antibacterial effects, it is also effective on abscesses and infected wounds, and can be used on second-degree burns under medical supervision.
  • Pain and inflammation: Use clay in a cold compress to relieve conditions such as arthritis and gout, and use clay in a hot compress to relieve low back pain and osteoarthritis.
  • Trauma and shock: Applying clay to a wound or blow may cause changes in skin color or severe bruising. This change is considered positive because it indicates that blood leaking from trauma is flowing into the skin, speeding up the recovery process.
  • Other uses: Clay is also recommended for treating conditions such as cystitis, prostatitis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, goiter, and to relieve congestion caused by breast cancer.

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