How to relieve baby’s ear pain?Otitis media or otitis externa

When we talk about the most common diseases in infants and young children, besides colds, we must talk about otitis media. How to relieve baby’s ear pain? Is it otitis media or otitis externa? What types of otitis media exist? How are they treated? What are their symptoms and how to prevent them? Nurse Beatriz Moreno explains everything you need to know about this important topic.

baby ear pain

Did you know that up to 90% of boys and girls Some otitis media throughout early childhood? Before we start talking about the most common symptoms and the best treatments, we must learn to differentiate between otitis externa and otitis media.

By otitis externa, we mean a distension of the external auditory canal, which can also flow toward the ear or inward. Usually caused by bacteriaalthough in some cases the origin is fungal or Candida.

When we talk about otitis media, the inflammation or infection is right behind the eardrum.most common reasons In this type of otitis media, it’s viruses and bacteria.and excess mucus from the flu and common cold.

Symptoms of otitis media in children

Summer is the time when kids love pools the most, and due to the humidity, there is a higher chance of ear infections.Although reasons also include frequent use of cotton swabs and even The act of inserting small objects into the ear canal. This condition is more common than it seems and is even one of the most treated emergencies in hospitals.

What symptoms do children with otitis externa or otitis media experience? First comes earache or otalgia: the child’s ear hurts, Especially if he pulls or puts pressure on his ears. For younger children, they won’t verbally say it hurts, but they will appear more irritable and, in fact, may put their little hands on their ears.

others they are simple Identification:

  • itching.
  • tingling.
  • The duct is red.
  • They may also have a low-grade fever or even a fever.
  • Hearing loss.
  • There is clear or purulent discharge from the ear canal.

Treatment of otitis media in children

When the doctor says the child also has otitis media will tell us the most appropriate treatment for this inflammation. In the case of otitis externa, the first thing to do is to try to relieve the pain, for which analgesics, fever reducers or corticosteroids are prescribed.

If an infection is suspected, antibiotics will be administered directly into the ear canal. Remember, to place these drops correctly, you have to hold the ear and pull it back and down a little. to ensure the medication reaches the correct location.

For otitis media, your pediatrician may prescribe oral antibiotics in addition to pain relief therapy.Nighttime is when the pain is the most. In addition to painkillers, we also need to review Your ears and hair are dry.

We can even use spot heating, but it should not be placed on top of the pillow as it creates a warmer environment What follows is the proliferation of bacteria. Finally, changing the position of your head from time to time will also prevent moisture.

Prevent otitis media in children

Preventing otitis media in babies and young children is as complicated as preventing them from catching colds again and again. despite this, There’s a bunch of very simple things you can do This will keep your ears in top condition and able to fight off such viruses and bacteria.

  1. It’s important to stay vigilant Listening booth, always clean and dryEspecially when kids are out of the pool or even in the shower.
  2. If water tends to accumulate in the pipes, tilt your head slightly. so that liquid can flow out easily to the outside.
  3. If you have frequent ear infections, use earplugs when going to the pool or beach. This helps it stay dry.
  4. Please keep in mind that it is not recommended to use cotton swabs or other similar objects because other than One of the causes of infection, we may cause a perforation of the eardrum. In addition, we push the earwax inward, achieving possible blockage: cotton swabs can only be used to clean the outer area.
  5. Rinse your nose often, Especially if your child has a cold or have the flu to prevent mucus from building up and entering the ears.
  6. Ventilate rooms in the house every day and try Your bedroom is the right temperature Be it winter or summer.

You can read more similar articles How to relieve baby’s ear pain?Otitis media or otitis externafound in the Ear Care category of

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