How to tell the difference between influenza, coronavirus or a cold?

The most common this year is the first one mentioned above

Case Flu, COVID-19 or cold is rising balearic islands The Ministry of Health has issued a series of recommendations to prevent infections as much as possible. These diseases share some common symptoms, making it difficult for many people to tell them apart. Joan Carles March, an expert in public health and preventive medicine, sums it up this way: “If we are at home, all of us (or almost all of us) have fever, cough, mucus, headache, muscle aches, abdominal discomfort …This Christmas” It’s not the coronavirus, it’s the flu. “

March acknowledged that “distinguishing COVID-19 from the flu can be difficult because symptom They are very similar,” noting that both “are contagious in similar ways.” Specifically, “they spread through small particles expelled from the nose and mouth when sneezing, coughing, singing, or talking, which increases the risk of infecting people nearby possibility. “Infected people may be asymptomatic, but they can still spread either virus.”

flu symptoms

The disease with the most cases this year is influenza, which has, in fact, become an epidemic in the Balearic Islands. One of its most characteristic symptoms is fever, which is common, especially in young children. Lasts three to four days. Headaches, general malaise, general fatigue, feeling exhausted at the beginning of treatment, nasal congestion, and sneezing are also common.

coronavirus disease symptoms

The public health and preventive medicine experts cited above noted that symptoms of COVID-19 may take longer to appear than those of the flu. “He also remembers that one of the clearest signs of the coronavirus was Loss of smell or taste.

For their part, people affected by other respiratory viruses, e.g. cold, “You may have a runny nose, cough, congestion, sore throat; but they usually won’t have the aches and fevers that are common symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu. “Typically, they’ll feel better within a few days. ” These symptoms allow us to differentiate between the above conditions, but March noted that the most accurate way to know which of them is testing.


The above-mentioned expert explained, “ treat With COVID, flu and colds, it’s the same: paracetamol and plenty of fluids. In order not to overwhelm themselves, he advises those affected not to go to the emergency room unless they are experiencing some of the symptoms explained below. Specifically, difficulty breathing, sudden worsening or deterioration of the condition after 7 days of onset, chest pain, coughing up blood, blue or purple discoloration of the skin and lips, dizziness or change in consciousness, high fever lasting for more than three days, or drop in blood pressure. For children, it is important to see a specialist if they develop shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or waking up, rash, nausea, or extreme irritability.

Of particular note are those who contract the flu Vulnerable Groups, such as those with heart disease (except hypertension), chronic respiratory disease, diabetes under medical treatment, moderate chronic renal failure; and those with advanced chronic liver, neuromuscular or severe blood disease, such as hemoglobinopathies or moderate or severe anemia. Those with spleen deficiency, immunosuppression, or morbid obesity should also see a doctor.

Finally, March highlights application The Three “V” Rules To stop the spread of these diseases: authorities conduct surveillance, vaccination and ventilation.It also recommends using Face mask and wash hands often.

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