How to unclog your ears the easy way

It’s a more common discomfort than you think, and sometimes the task of unclogging your ears may not be that easy if you don’t have the right information. For example, one of the most common mistakes is trying to unclog your ears with a cotton swab. Not only does this not help, it makes the problem worse by causing the wax to sink further, compacting it and creating a deep plug.

In this regard, Dr. Florencia Fernández, an otolaryngologist at an Italian hospital, said: “One of the most common reasons for medical consultation is the feeling of blocked ears. This symptom can occur in different pathological conditions: excessive earwax Many., otitis externa or acute otitis media, etc. Depending on the origin, there are different techniques that can be used to unclog the ears in a simple way.

How to unclog ears with earwax

First of all, you must know that the production of wax or cerumen is natural and the amount varies in each person depending on their genetic predisposition, skin type or more or less exposure to factors that stimulate their formation. Using headphones for a long time, being in places with a lot of dust or dirt, or even excessive cleaning with cotton swabs are all factors that can lead to increased earwax secretion.

This is a natural substance that protects the ear canal from external factors (dirt, bacteria, fungi, microorganisms) and helps lubricate the ear canal. However, in addition to the wax, the skin of the root canal also sloughs off periodically as it grows. This happens from the inside out, causing wax and exfoliation to be “pushed” out of the root canal until it comes out. When this balance is disrupted, what is called a wax plug occurs.

To unclog the ear in these cases, mix equal parts warm water and hydrogen peroxide (3% or less), put a few drops into the clogged ear, lie on your side, let sit for 3 minutes, remove the liquid and Clean the area. Never insert cloth or any other object into your ears. Another option is to use a mixture of warm water and olive oil. In all cases, the goal is to soften the wax and allow it to drain outward without using sharp objects.

How to clear your ears when you have a cold

Earwax isn’t the only thing that can clog your ears. During a cold or sinusitis, some of the mucus produced in the nose can migrate to the ears through the tube (Eustachian tube) that connects the two spaces.

In this case, it is effective to take a steam bath to relieve congestion in all respiratory tracts. Also, perform nasal irrigation, instilling 5 to 10 drops of normal saline into the nasal passages several times a day to dilute secretions and promote the release of mucus.

How to unclog ears with water

“Among infectious causes, mainly during the summer, otitis externa is usually caused by immersion in water, associated with some small damage to the skin of the ear canal,” explains Dr. Florencia Fernandez. “It is important to note that if the feeling of clogged ears is accompanied by ear discharge and severe pain, the use of homemade solutions is not recommended and a doctor should be consulted immediately.”

The Eustachian tube may also malfunction during high-altitude travel (such as on an airplane) by preventing proper ventilation of the ear. This can create a feeling of blocked ears.

“For this type of blockage, chewing gum, swallowing saliva, yawning, or trying to expel air through the nose and gently covering the nose often helps,” Fernandez explains.

These are general recommendations for specific symptoms. If pain, fever, discharge, or other related symptoms occur, you should consult your doctor and avoid self-medication and invasive procedures on the ear.

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