‘I still have to apologize to Megan Fox and John Malkovich for the flop’

The actor, star of the 2010 flop, said he owed his castmates an apology.

Jonah Hex, Josh Brolin: "I still have to apologize to Megan Fox and John Malkovich for the flop"

During a recent interview, Josh Brolin he said he owed his colleagues an apology Megan Fox And John Malkovich for the flop of Jonah Hex.

In a new interview, the actor recalled the somewhat troubled production, declaring: “It was unsuccessful both artistically and economically. I mean, everyone knows how I feel about Jonah Hex“.

The actor later explained that at the time, the production rushed to hire director Jimmy Hayward. “I remember not having good sensations“he said of hiring Hayward.”I liked his enthusiasm, but he didn’t have the necessary experience and didn’t deal with this kind of film as I had hoped“.

It was Brolin who brought in his co-stars, including Megan Fox, Michael Fassbender, John Malkovich and Michael Shannon.

Not that I had much influence at the time, but I brought in Megan, who I thought was perfect for the role‘ she told Variety, adding: ‘And Fassbender? One of our best actors, who had done Shame and Hunger – are you kidding me? And Malkovich, who had just been robbed by Bernie Madoff, we asked him to do it for a third of his fees. He said yes. I mean, fuck, I still owe these people“.

Brolin then added: “The intentions were all there; I just think we made a big mistake with the director – I don’t want to put all the blame on him, because it was my choice. It was my wrong choice“.

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Jonah Hex was the directorial debut of Hayward, who had previously worked as an animator on Pixar films Toy Story, Monsters & co. And Finding Nemo. She hasn’t directed a live action film since. Brolin concluded by stating that Warner Bros Pictures has “taken out” the film to Hayward and that the producers have therefore “ended up assembling a film that is not very accessible“.

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