“I want to strangle this guy”

Ric Flair had some harsh words for a reporter after he criticized Lakers star LeBron James for calling the Lakers star an old man.

With greatness comes a lot of talk around you. LeBron James is used to all the criticism and gossip being thrown around him. He’s been in the league for twenty years (and counting!). He heard everything said about the players. So when Aaron Hahn called the Los Angeles Lakers star an “old man,” no one really thought much of it.

Apparently, though, the comments about LeBron James resonated with Ric Flair. Yes, that’s Ric Flair.The former wrestling icon spoke with Shannon Sharpe on his podcast his feelings on the topic. It’s a bit…violent, and he also touches on some of the “goat” controversy.

Well, that’s a little… inflammatory. To be fair, there are times when LeBron starts to show his age. It’s clear that he’s taken a step behind and isn’t as explosive as he was three years ago. However, what the Lakers star currently lacks in physical means, he makes up for with his intelligence. Plus, LeBron isn’t completely useless and old. In fact, in some games, LeBron James led the Lakers to victory.

Talent is right about one thing, though. LeBron really has nothing left to break. At this point in his career, the Lakers star has broken nearly every record in the league. Even as far as his legacy is concerned, he has proven that he is happy with his legacy. But is it really worth strangling someone to death?

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