IGSS meeting at Sayaxché in Petén with more than 400,000 consultations

Guatemala City, 30 July. (AGN). – The municipality of Sayaxché, Petén municipality provided at least 4,809 consultations over eight days as part of a social security conference facilitated by the Guatemala Social Security Institute (IGSS).

According to the agency:

The event was held from July 17 to 26, and local people participated enthusiastically.

The meeting was organized by IGSS in partnership with the Guatemalan Palm Growers Association (Grepalma) and the Petén Las Palmas Reforestation Corporation.

Its goal is to provide health and social security services to residents of the region, especially those who for various reasons have difficulty accessing these benefits.


During the event, a wide range of medical services are provided, including general consultations, vaccinations, laboratory tests and specialized care in various fields of health such as gynecology, pediatrics and dentistry.

Likewise, educational lectures on disease prevention and the importance of a healthy lifestyle were held. The account totals:

  • 4000 809 inquiries
  • 2000 451 patients
  • 2,897 lab tests performed
  • 1,180 ultrasound examinations performed

In terms of dental care, 893 people were treated; 180 doses of vaccines were administered and 25 electrocardiograms were performed. In addition, 13 surgeries were performed, 12 emergencies were attended to, and 7 patients were referred.

they reiterated their support

At the end of the day, IGSS representatives expressed satisfaction with the high level of community engagement and reiterated the agency’s commitment to continue such events in different parts of the country.

The Chairman of the IGSS Board of Directors is satisfied with the results achieved through more than a week of unremitting efforts.

We will continue to work tirelessly to provide quality, caring service that meets the needs of the most remote communities.

This attention reaches one of the most remote places in Petten. Palm tree workers and their beneficiary families are being cared for by a team of specialists and affiliates dedicated to social security.

The last day of the insured took place in the Polocchi area of ​​Upper Verapaz. More than 4,600 oil palm workers and residents of the region participated in the event.

Through actions like this, IGSS demonstrates its social responsibility and commitment to the well-being of the people of Guatemala, working tirelessly to ensure that people in all regions of the country have access to health and social security services.

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