IGSS recommends protecting the elderly from the cold – Diario de Centro América

Photo: Courtesy of Mingob

In order to understand the results and plan operations against ordinary and organized crime, the head of the department Ministry of Interior (mingob)Byron René Bor Illescas met yesterday with the office he heads and National Civil Police (national committee).

Following this news, Interior Minister and Fifth Deputy Minister Dana Barillas held a meeting with representatives of Air Mingob (Unagob) and the Special Anti-Narcotics Unit (Unesa).

The person in charge of the above-mentioned office presided over 2 working meetings.

According to official information, during the event “an action plan was presented to strengthen the capabilities of national police agents in handling aircraft”.

Bor Illeskas took the opportunity to urge those present to “continue training military and police personnel” in order to maintain the positive results in the fight against lawbreakers. The event was held at the Unagob facility in District 13 of the capital.

Plan monitoring

The officer also met with police leadership. “The purpose of the meeting was to understand the security strategies implemented to reduce crime in the country,” said the entity responsible for ensuring the property and security of Guatemalans.

In addition to this, developments and achievements were announced over the past week, highlighted by the arrests of people with more than five arrest warrants, as well as the seizure of illegal items and substances, and the recovery of cars and motorcycles.

Rodrigo PerezRodrigo Perez

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