I’m alive and I have very acute infectious bronchitis

November 30, 2023 – 19:28

The Pope noted that he no longer has a fever but continues to take antibiotics.

pope francisco

pope francisco

he pope francisco discussed his healthreceived close attention after the news broke Influenza and respiratory inflammation The last few days have affected him and forced him Cancellation of apostolic trip to Dubaiand had to postpone several events on the weekly agenda.

“I’m still alive,” the pope joked. Days shy of his 87th birthday, he added that he had “a very acute form of infectious bronchitis and thank God it’s not pneumonia”.Bergoglio also pointed out He no longer has a feverbut continue to use antibiotics.

Apostolic trip canceled

Francisco paused I was supposed to go on a three-day trip to Dubai participate COP28 Climate Summita very sensitive topic and very important to the Pope.

The reason for cancellation is Doctor’s explicit requestback He had pneumonia last weekendso as not to expose it to such sudden temperature changes from winter to summer.

“It’s very hot there and you have to switch from heating to air conditioning, which is very inconvenient with this bronchial condition,” the pope explained.

In an audience with participants at the “Ethics of Healthcare Management” seminar, Pope Francis, speaking about healthcare, emphasized that “inadequate care of health leads to vulnerability. I really like preventive medicinebecause it can prevent events before they arrive,” he commented in a very slow tone. Consistent with the ideas of HippocratesConsidered the father of scientific medicine, this Greek doctor believed that “the best medicine is to teach people that they don’t need it.”

Francisco then spoke of the need to ensure people’s well-being “and not just seek medical or pharmacological solutions”.

“I’m sorry I can’t say anymore, I just don’t have the strength,” the pope concluded before health experts, referring to the health problems that plague him.

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