Importance of vaccinations for travel: “Many increases but little forecast” – Madrid

he Madrid City Council International Health Center It is located on Calle Montesa and is one of the most visited centers in all of Spain. Health advice for citizens about to travel internationally is provided here, Get the necessary vaccinations Among other actions, comprehensive care is provided for people who have been attacked by animals.

Most of those treated at this international health center They are Spanish (90%), mainly for tourism purposes (70%), 10% for cooperation purposes and the rest for work purposes.

Olga was one of those who came to work, she was going to Gabon: “I’m going out to work for a week. I’m going to the doctor and she’ll tell me what I have to get vaccinated, but I think it’s yellow fever and they still need to notify me. At least that’s what I have to put”.

Kenya and Tanzania as preferred destinations

Belén Álvarez, one of the doctors who visit the center every day, explained the visitor balance this summer: “The traffic is quite high. We’ve also seen that some people are booking travel for a short period of time, so it’s hard to get a reservation. It’s increased a lot this year, but travelers are also lacking in foresight.”

The most commonly recommended vaccines are Hepatitis A, typhoidare transmitted through the digestive tract, and yellow fevertransmitted by mosquitoes.

As for the most repeated destinations, the trend has changed since the pandemic. Before 2020, Southeast Asian countries such as India, Thailand or Indonesia are the main Where travel has changed in the last year, however, with Tanzania being the leading destination, followed by Peru, Colombia and Kenya. Kenya and Tanzania remain the two favorites this summer.

The services offered in this field go beyond vaccinations because Toilet Advice for TravelersRemind them of areas of health risk. In addition, they are collaborating with the Madrid community on the coronavirus vaccination.

Over 4,000 people vaccinated over summer

Deputy Mayor, Safety and Emergency Representative and City Spokesperson Inma Sanzcame to the health center in person to take stock of what they were doing: “As of July 31 this year, there have been more than 5,400 on-site consultations related to international vaccinations, and in terms of telematics consultations, more than 4,400 attendances. We are returning to the pre-pandemic state.” .

The deputy mayor also wants to talk about recent events usella and san bernardotwo of whom were injured: “We will continue to do everything we can, but it is clear that this backlash has happened, so we need more resources. In this sense, we ask government delegations to doconsidering these improvements that are taking place”.

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