In Israel, the problem of young draft dodgers for military service

Despite the worst right-wing government in its history under Netanyahu, the Jewish state is still a democracy, albeit an alternating one (see below). Here), and this has enabled 230 young men in recent days to defy Tel Aviv authorities by declaring their refusal to join the army (conscription in Israel is compulsory as soon as you turn 18, and requires thirty-six months for boys and twenty-four for women). The children signed a letter, which was made public and reproduced on a poster, which was then hung in the courtyard of one of the most famous schools in the city, Herzliya Gymnasium. Another episode of challenging the policy of the executive branch, which, along with the proposed justice reform (see. Here), actually calls into question the separation of powers that underlies any democracy.

It’s a riot that complements a riot reservists armed forces, implemented in August last year, when it received approval from Knesset from the first part reform, which limits the powers of the Supreme Court, any possible possibility of mediation has been eliminated. Hence the reservists’ announcement to stop training and stop training. answer “no” to a possible call to arms. According to the Daily Gazette, “military Battalion 69, elite air force responsible, for example, for dozens of attacks on Iranian targets on Syrian soil in recent years, starting with an attack on a suspected nuclear reactor Deir ez-Zor in 2007 they decided to express their opposition to the reform process, which was followed by others in the following weeks. 180 reservist pilots and commanders.”

online newspaper”Eye of the Middle East” he also conveyed the words of Major Nir Avishai Cohen, army reservist: “I have already notified my commander and my soldiers. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. There’s no turning back the sacred cow of military service was slaughtered

The anger of the military, as well as an important part of civil society, has increased abolition of the “reasonableness clause”, allowing the Supreme Court to question government decisions. A kind of Constitutional Court, which, however, cannot be called that, because in fact there is no Constitution in Israel. It is enough to show some numbers to understand that the government’s fears are justified: there are 1,142 of them. failuresThis includes 235 fighter pilots, 98 transport aircraft, 89 helicopters, 173 drone operators, to which must be added 120 reservists.

Israeli protests against government policies are nothing new. Already in January 2021, sixty young Israelis made up a letter of protest against Israeli policies, this time towards the Palestinians. The young people questioned why they should support “the policies of apartheid, neoliberalism and denial of the Nakba”—a catastrophe for the Palestinian people that coincides with the founding of Israel—while also rejecting any possibility of recruitment.

There repression An issue affecting Palestinians, largely absent from the demands of the major protest movement that filled Israeli squares against government policies, has returned to the forefront of the news with a major episode in recent days involving young Italian of Palestinian origin Khaled El Kaysi. Clearly, it is not enough for the Israeli government to persecute Palestinians who have a green passport issued by the PA (Palestinian National Authority). They also want to have fun with those who travel with the color red, the color adopted as the main document of exile in the European Union, and therefore in Italy. There is no other explanation for the August 31 arrest of a young Palestinian university researcher of Italian citizenship, stopped by Israeli border guards at the Allenby crossing on the Jordan River, at the end of a vacation in Bethlehem, where some of Khaled’s relatives are alive.

The Italian-Palestinian – his mother is Italian and his father is Palestinian – arrived in the West Bank via Amman and was heading to the Jordanian airport to return to his homeland when he was arbitrarily stopped by Jewish state security forces. , handcuffed in front of his astonished wife Francesca and his four-year-old son, and sent to prison without any charges. The woman was not given any explanation for what was happening. Let us add that the young man’s family members were subjected to disgraceful treatment. They were deprived of all documents and credit cards – and only the solidarity of a group of Palestinian women allowed them to continue their journey, contact the Italian authorities in Amman and return to their homeland.

September 7 last year first hearing and although there were no charges, the Israeli court decided to extend his arrest until September 14, without allowing him to contact his lawyer. Khaled works at the Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations at La Sapienza University of Rome and founded the Palestinian Documentation Center, which the Netanyahu government apparently did not appreciate. Was it unjustified act of persecution, is demonstrated by a detail that is not entirely detailed. Khaled, who was born in the West Bank, is considered Palestinian for all purposes under Israeli military law, despite the fact that he does not have citizenship granted to him by the PA. For this reason, he and his family were unable to land in nearby Tel Aviv, so they had to choose Amman. Meanwhile, the Italian consul of the Israeli capital went to the prison to personally verify that the prisoner was in good condition.

According to Il Manifesto, Khaled is being assisted by Ahmed Khalifa, an Israeli-Arab lawyer who is prohibited from divulging details of the ongoing trial while guaranteeing, at great cost, his right to a defense. Meanwhile they are making their way two hypotheses: One could talk about a wider investigation being carried out by the Israeli judiciary against terrorism, in which the young Italian would therefore be involved. Another concerns the possibility that it was a misunderstanding: this hypothesis, however, seems unlikely, despite the fact that, as La Repubblica claims, the news came from a reliable source.

Meanwhile in Italy car solidarity. “In a country that is still considered the only democracy in the Middle East, an Italian-Palestinian citizen, a respected university researcher in Italy, has been detained since August 31,” said Maurizio Acerbo, national secretary for the revival of communism and coordination of the Popular Union. Nicola Fratoianni, secretary of the Italian Left and representative of the Left Green Alliance, was the first signatory of the parliamentary question addressed to Foreign Minister Tajani, “despite the fact that he spent many days in prison, there is still little news about Khaled’s condition.” health and the nature of the charges brought against him.” The 5 Stars also showed solidarity with the young man through MP Stefania Ascari, who is part of the peace group parliamentarians, along with Carmela Auriemma, Laura Boldrini, Dario Carotenuto, Concetta Damante, Tino Magni and Stefano Vaccari. At the moment there is no news about the position of the Democratic Party.

Despite assurances “Israel is not Egypt,” the suspicion that another Zaki case will happen again is well founded. A government that has good relations with its Israeli counterpart can play a decisive role. We’re wondering what might happen in the next few hours and days. There is no shortage of concerns about how the case might evolve. According to Fabio Albertini Rossi, the family’s lawyer, this is not at all an advantage: “the lack of evidence can turn a criminal detention into an administrative detention, thereby lengthening the period of arrest. Administrative, the lawyer claims, is applied by the Israeli authorities even in the absence of formal charges and concrete evidence and provides for imprisonment for a period of several months, extendable at the discretion of the judge. Taking into account the alarming situation with Khaled’s detention, emphasizes Albertini Rossi, and the lack of respect for his human rights, we ask that everything possible be done to achieve his immediate release and return to Italy.” We remember this more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners are in prison and under administrative detentionnot knowing what they are accused of or when the trial will take place.

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