In Karaka, they investigated the death of a 4-year-old boy who fell ill at a day care center –

Author: Natalia Trujillo Barrera

In Karaka, they investigated the death of a 4-year-old boy who fell ill at a day care center –

Yesterday morning, “Chief Villa” reported the incident.

Authorities are investigating the cause of today’s incident, which is mourning the loss of a large family in a vulnerable state.

Yesterday, Thursday morning, November 9, the death of a child under 4 years old was reported in the city of Karaka. The cause of the minor’s death is under investigation by city authorities.

New Kindio Chronicles It was learned that the minor, who is just 4 years old, is part of a family in a vulnerable situation and lives in a temporary accommodation in the south of Karaka. According to the information gathered, the child became ill on Tuesday night. His condition worsened and he started vomiting on Wednesday afternoon. The little boy’s father took care of him with medicine and serum, but he was eventually taken to the city medical center and reported dead at 6 a.m. yes.

The cause of death was unclear, as doctors who evaluated the baby told the mother that the child apparently died from breathing in the lungs. Medical Legal, on the other hand, informed the mother that the autopsy results would take approximately 3 months to determine the cause of death.. One possible cause of death was a virus he contracted at a daycare he attended with another brother. The mother of the children said that the deceased child was in good health and accompanied her to the supermarket to buy weekly groceries, so she did not understand why the child suddenly became ill and died.

Another brother of the child was treated in the intensive care unit of the Sagrada Familia Clinic because, according to medical opinion, he suffered from bronchitis, however, the medical staff managed to stabilize the minor’s condition and during his recovery He was provided with the care he needed and showed improvement. Discharged.

Due to the socioeconomic situation of the family, the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare is providing support to the parents and other siblings, although the minor’s family fears they may be retaliated against because they previously mentioned a poor procedure during a visit. The adult’s grandmother said an official from the entity assured them that they would take custody of the minor.

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Icbf officers went to the home in the Antonia Santos neighborhood of Karaca, where other minors were being cared for by their aunt and grandmother. Among the family’s seven siblings, one girl developed a dry cough and symptoms. Similar circumstances were provided by her brother and, as relatives said, the girl had been evaluated by a private doctor and was taking medication.

The mother of the minor mentioned that at the Sisbén office in Karaka they provided her with temporary care for three months, thanks to the efforts of the director of the municipal health department. My children’s rights are violated because I can’t ask them on a date and I want to know what to do? If they don’t give me Sisbén, the last thing they give me is three months of EPS, during that time I can make appointments with my kids, I can’t make any more appointments, I can only see them for emergencies situation,” explained the minor’s mother.

The mother of the minor continued: “Now that the child is dead, they are really worried about him now and want to take him to the hospital. Why is my son dead?” said the mother of the family.

Finally, the minor and the family are accompanied by the Family Welfare Center, who take care of the two young children through the care routes offered there for sick children to see if they can help and identify solutions for the family. For now, it will be legal medicine that truly determines the cause of death in children under 4 years old.


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