In this month of spring, it is very easy to develop eye allergies.know how to fight them

It’s September in spring, and our eyes are constantly exposed to environmental factors. They are sensitive organs and are prone to eye allergies.

The most common time of year for people to develop allergies is in the spring, which is called seasonal eye allergies.

While this is not the only cause of eye allergies, smoke, pet hair, and cosmetics can also cause eye allergies.

In this article from San Diego Del Estero Ophthalmology, we’ll discuss spring eye allergies, seasonal eye allergy symptoms, and how to combat eye allergies.

If your eyes feel irritated, itchy, and watery, you may have spring eye allergies, a reaction to certain environmental factors.

What are eye allergies?

Eye allergies are a common infection, especially during seasons like spring. For example, because pollen concentrations are higher at this time.

Generally when we talk about spring eye allergies, we are referring to allergic conjunctivitis; this type of conjunctivitis is not as contagious as bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. In people with allergies, the immune system reacts to allergens that are harmless to others.

Allergens are airborne, and when they come into contact with the eyes, the immune system reacts, releasing histamine and producing ocular allergy symptoms.

The most common allergens are pollen, animal and dust mites, dander and mold.

If you have eye discomfort, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor so they can tell you how to combat your allergies. Here’s how to get proper treatment and avoid bigger problems.


Eye allergies are caused by allergens found in the environment. Pollen, mites, dandruff, dust, and mold come into contact with the membrane of the eyeball. This membrane is called the conjunctiva. It is very thin and covers the entire eyeball.

When the conjunctiva becomes irritated and releases histamine, your vision begins to show allergic symptoms, your eyes swell, and you begin to experience the uncomfortable symptoms of eye problems.


The symptoms of eye allergies vary. There are different types of eye allergies, but the most common symptoms are as follows:

* Eye pain and itching.

* Burning sensation and watering of eyes.

* Eyelids become red and swollen.

* Red eyes.

* Vision becomes blurry and sensitive to light.

* Rare White Lagania appears.

* Dry eyes.

* Feeling of a foreign body in the eye.

Generally speaking, when eye allergies occur, nasal allergies will also appear. In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, itching of the nose, sneezing and nasal congestion may occur.

Although these symptoms may not seem like they should worry you, you should seek medical help for treatment; if symptoms persist for an extended period of time, they may lead to more serious problems.

The Difference Between Eye Allergies and Conjunctivitis

Although the most common allergy in spring is vernal conjunctivitis, there is a difference between this seasonal eye allergy and conjunctivitis:

eye allergies: They are caused by allergens and are a reaction to these factors in the air.

This type of allergy can cause symptoms of eye infection.

Spring eye allergies are not contagious.

Allergies disappear when you are no longer exposed to the allergen.

conjunctivitis: They are caused by viruses or bacteria.

Symptoms and infection start in one eye and spread to both eyes.

They are contagious infections.

The infection must be treated to clear it up; usually for at least 8 days.

Vernal conjunctivitis occurs when the eyes are exposed to an allergen and the immune system detects it and causes an inflammatory response that activates glands such as mast cells and eosinophils. In addition to the release of substances such as histamine, symptoms of allergies or vernal conjunctivitis can also occur.

How to fight eye allergies?

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you need to take some precautions to combat them. This will help you prevent them and reduce symptoms. Eye allergies are not always possible to avoid, but following these tips can help combat eye allergies.

* Increase household cleaning and use vacuum cleaners to eliminate possible allergens.

* Limit time outdoors. Avoid exposure during times of highest pollen counts.

* Use synthetic mattresses.

* Avoid keeping pets or direct contact with them.

* If you are already showing signs of allergies, do not rub your eyes as this can prolong symptoms and infection.

* Do not use contact lenses, it is best to wear glasses and choose good quality glasses to provide necessary protection for your vision.


In general, for eye allergies, the following treatments are common:

* Avoid contact with allergens.

* Apply cold compresses to your eyes several times during the day.

* Use allergy-specific eye drops: Use antihistamine eye drops for up to 3 days to minimize redness.

* Use artificial tears: Reduce dry eyes and eye irritation. They also clean allergens from the eyes.

* Topical corticosteroids, mild.

* Take oral antihistamines.

In severe cases, if none of the above methods work, allergy shots may be needed. These are designed to immunize the body.

It must be taken into account that medical treatment is individualized and depends on each patient’s circumstances.

Sometimes it can be confused with dry eye syndrome or Covid-19

Sometimes the symptoms of spring allergies can be confused with those of other illnesses, such as dry eye syndrome or Covid-19. In some cases, the two diseases can even coexist.

How to differentiate

Some coronavirus patients develop red eyes or conjunctivitis, which are common symptoms of eye allergies. However, one of the main differences between allergies and Covid-19 is the presentation of fever. Unlike coronavirus patients, people with eye allergies do not experience fever. Other symptoms of coronavirus not found in spring allergies include:

* Loss of smell and taste.

* diarrhea.

* nausea.

* cough.

* Difficulty breathing.

* Chest pain and pressure.

* Excessive fatigue.

Additionally, allergic conjunctivitis occurs at the same time every year and may be accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing.

However, conjunctivitis caused by a virus is usually an isolated incident and is accompanied by a discharge that is thicker than tears.

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