Incidence of respiratory diseases increases by 30% in winter | Mexicali News

Mexicali, British Columbia – Care for respiratory conditions, including allergies, increases by 30 per cent during the winter, according to Deputy Minister of Health Nestor Saúl Hernández Milan.

In this regard, doctors urge the population of Baja California to prevent illness during this period, as it is estimated that There will be more than 30 cold fronts this winter.

“More than 30 cold fronts are expected this season, which tells us we’re going to see a significant drop in temperatures almost across the state.”

The coldest days will occur in the last week of October and last until the first week of March, the month when winter ends and spring begins.

In this sense, the Deputy Minister declared that their focus is on the application of vaccines, mainly against covid-19 and influenza, but noted that due to the season, the number of viruses is infinite.

“Respiratory illnesses are actually going to increase across the state and we have to monitor any type of respiratory symptoms very carefully and seek medical attention immediately at any of our health centers to take appropriate precautions.”

In the case of allergies, the health minister has previously called for warning of symptoms, which could be a runny nose, respiratory inflammation, congestion, constant sneezing and dark circles under the eyes.

Medina Amarillas pointed out that factors that cause allergies in humans are the presence of microorganisms such as fungi, mites, animals and certain foods.

Likewise, he says poorly controlled allergies can lead to sinusitis, a condition that causes discomfort in the forehead and cheeks, which is why he stresses the importance of medical control of allergies.

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