Influenza and COVID-19 vaccination drive begins at Vilaboa Residence

Influenza and COVID-19 vaccination drive begins at Vilaboa Residence

O Servizo Galego de Saúde (Sergas) started a vaccination campaign against influenza and COVID-19 with the people of the Vilaboa Residence in the health zones of Pontevedra and O Salnés, with a total of 189 doses administered.

Two vaccination teams comprised of nursing professionals administered the vaccine to the resident population. On the first day of vaccination in the region, those in charge of the activities of the health districts of Pontevedra and Osalnes were present, as well as coordinators and professionals from Vilaboa Residence.

The vaccination program against influenza and COVID-19 prepared by the health districts of Pontevedra and O Salnes will continue in the coming weeks and will be carried out in the official residences of the different councils, as shown this Monday in this official residence Visit regularly. Pontevedra and Osalnes – Ribadumia, Forcarei, Ponte Caldelas, Vilagarcía de Arousa and others – are expected to receive about 1,400 doses of the vaccine.

The Galician public health system aims to complete influenza and COVID-19 vaccination of the entire population in Pontevedra and Osalnes by October 13.

The Galician government has two flu vaccines. Four prices are for everyone under the age of 80, while the other higher price is for people aged 80 and over and nursing home users aged 60 and over. It also has a COVID-19 vaccine against the circulating strain.

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