Influenza every year, deja vu every year

Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil) said, “Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis to develop a crisis plan.” This quote refers to the pandemic that occurs every year influenza respiratory infection, VRS, and now Covid. This theory holds that the health administration department, that is, the health service manager of each community, “temporary plan”The Winter Plan is being fully prepared to handle the large number of patients that different medical equipment will have to cope with. Year after year, it’s impossible to end these health crises with the A’s Hannibal Smith’s famous quote: “I like plans to work out.”

Some crisis situations are unpredictable and occur because consequences of various disasterswhether they are earthquakes, heavy rains, etc., but also those that are known to be seasonal, to repeat year after year, to occur on more or less similar dates, and whose specific characteristics we even know in advance.

he Behavior of Seasonal Respiratory Infections It’s very famous. We know when they will arrive, the precautions we must take, when the vaccination campaign will begin, the expected infection rate, how many people will be admitted to hospital and even an approximation of the number of deaths that will occur. The historical sequence provides us with the necessary information to make plans to obtain the necessary resources and avoid system collapse.

“Historical series gives us information so we can plan and avoid system collapse”

By definition, these Respiratory infections will affect thousands of peoplemost of them only need to consult a doctor in the health center (whether a family doctor or a paediatrician), a well-equipped and staffed network of out-of-hospital emergency services, if the network works properly, at least despite the most serious Patients will develop complications due to comorbidities, vulnerabilities, etc., but hospital emergency services care must be well-equipped to meet the predicted 25-50% increase in demand.

Too It is necessary to provide free beds to hospitals Enough to allow patients in need to be admitted without a “traffic jam” while waiting for a bed, forcing patients to wait on an observation bed or even a stretcher in the intensive care unit to be “admitted.” Corridor, triple room, etc.

What to do at each level of care

What can we do through primary care? Not only to deal with these periodic crises related to respiratory infections, but also to maintain good daily functioning:

  • Cover all job vacancies

  • Template based on actual size Rather than a theory that doesn’t work. Sufficient replacement templates, license coverage, licenses and holidays etc.
  • “Debureaucratization” of physician consultations. Allow doctors’ time to focus on being doctors and eliminate bureaucracy in consultations. Create a health administrator profile to support the work of the clinical bureaucracy, working to revolutionize the temporary disability model, Allows so-called “auto-shutdown” Responsible declaration through a self-limiting process lasting 3 to 5 days.
  • bet on home care and develop their capabilities.
  • This again allows self-management of the agenda, work organization, according to the characteristics of each health center and its professional staff. that is, managerial autonomy and the corresponding assumption of responsibility.

what can we do with it Out-of-hospital emergency services? This is another pending task. We must trust these services, whether urban or rural, and for this it is necessary to:

  • Provide adequate equipment and be close to citizens.
  • each of them must There are doctors, nurses, guards, and technicians depending on the type. The crappy equipment isn’t worth it and we can’t accommodate emergency teams without doctors, no matter how many screens they want to put up for video calls.

What can we do for them? hospital emergency services? This answer has been said many times:

  • As in all other situations, it starts with believing in them, staffing them with enough people, filling all the vacancies, believing Urgent professional neededovercoming the unpleasant casualty/temporary rates they suffered, solidifying their position and fixing them in their place.
  • Serve Physically spacious emergency room This allows for good maintenance of the circuit, limited observation time, good drainage of the patient to the hospital ward after an admission order is issued, etc.

Now comes the most complicated question. What can we do in the hospital? I will say it critically and very clearly:

  • In a crisis situation, when we know there will be a certain number of admissions, we must ensure Bed availability for admission.
  • If admission must be suspended due to scheduled surgery, it is suspended.If citizens must be informed that on certain dates Surgery waiting lists for certain conditions It is said that it will increase. It is unacceptable for patients to be “admitted” to the emergency room in a bad way for 2, 3, or 5 days because of “lack of beds.”
  • If the system does not support the compatibility of controlling surgical waiting and meeting surgical needs Hospitalized for a medical emergency, we have to prioritize and decide, yes, let politicians tell people the reality and the why. If public hospitals don’t have more operating rooms, more beds, more staff, they can do two things: create them or arrange activities in the private sector. But do something about it.

I’m missing a lot, and at every point we could have had a thorough analysis of the situation, needs, priorities, etc., or even a “white paper” or “strategic plan” that would later be forgotten in a drawer somewhere.this is just a way of solving the problemI left it to the experts, now politicians and managers must provide solutions.

“Doctors give our opinions, but politicians and managers are the ones who have to provide solutions”

Adequate planning, resources and templates.That’s all Crisis and healthcare in everyday life. Everything except seeing patients in a third world care setting, in a hallway, three beds, etc. Deep down, what I see is that there is no courage to say that this model is obsolete and we need a health care deal to finally agree on a new one.

A national health system that explicitly excludes partisanship and politics; a new model for everyone, everyone, where everyone feels comfortable and where patients are truly at the center of the system and their dignity is respected, a “Humanized” modernity is realbut not only for patients, but also for professionals.

I hope one day, After overcoming any crisis our health system faceswe can say “I like plans to go smoothly.”

Although it may contain statements, data, or notes from health agencies or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is compiled and prepared by journalists. Readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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