Infusion for Weight Loss: Weight Loss Properties of Lavender Infusion

Many of us choose one of these

Balanced diet To lose a few kilos or at least maintain your ideal weight. To achieve this, there are infusions that speed up our metabolism and can help you achieve this goal, such as cardamom tea or cold lemon calendula infusion, both of which have weight loss benefits.

But of course, don’t think that just taking one

infusion You will be able to get rid of those extra pounds you have to follow healthy eating habits day after day and forget about those

miracle diet This guarantees rapid weight loss, but then makes you gain all the weight you lost and then some.

Additionally, you must merge

exercise This is true for your life, both in cardiovascular exercise that burns calories and in strength training that increases muscle mass. The combination of these two disciplines will allow you to lose more fat, therefore,

slim down Faster.

If you have followed these two tips,

infusion They help you maximize results, deflate your body, and help you achieve a flat stomach.In this case we will discuss with you

lavender infusionwhich by itself will not make you lose weight, but will help your digestion run more smoothly, so your results for a healthier life will be maximized.

Woman walking through lavender fields. /

Image by karlyukav on Freepik.

Properties of lavender infusion

In principle we know

lavender infusion because it can alleviate

pressure As well as combating insomnia, but there’s more.Lavender can also help you improve

Digestion As well as treating intestinal problems such as colic, intestinal inflammation and gas. This will directly affect your physical condition,

discouraged your belly, helping you make it flat.

Furthermore, due to its ability

sedativePeople with insomnia can drink a cup of lavender tea

sleep This solves the problem as it helps you relax and makes you sleepy.In addition, it is effective against

stress and anxietyimprove your mood.

On the other hand, if you have

fever, lavender infusion can help you control it because it stimulates the body to perspire, which lowers body temperature.Also benefit from its effect

Bronchodilatorsvery useful in solving problems related to the respiratory system.

Lavender tea taboos

Lavender infusion has many benefits

advantage, but if you want to consume it, you have to consider certain aspects.First, it is not recommended to take more than

three cups A day that, if you want to give your children, is best not to

first three months And always under the supervision of a pediatrician.

One cup of lavender infusion. /

Image from stockking on Freepik.

On the other hand, if you suffer from

Liver, nervous system, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, gastritis, colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome It’s also not recommended that you take this infusion while you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, as there hasn’t been much research on its effects in these conditions.

How to Prepare Lavender Infusion

raw material



Place the container in boiling water and soak a few dried lavender leaves and flowers for 10 minutes.


After 10 minutes has passed, filter the water and you can drink lavender tea.


If you wish, you can add a small spoonful of honey to sweeten the infusion, or if you prefer lemon, add a few drops of lemon juice.

It is recommended to drink this infusion

night Because in addition to benefiting from its body deflating and improving effects

Digestionit will also help you coordinate

Dream and promotes rest, another key feature of weight management.

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