Infusions for weight loss and improving fluid retention

Fashionable infusion, reduce abdominal pain and lose weight, no rebound effectstandard deviation

Weight loss has always been one of our society’s biggest concerns.ok we know To lose a few kilograms, exercise and diet are the most common methods, although there are other ways to achieve the goal independent of these. There are many causes of bloating, such as stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits… One of the major problems when losing weight is fluid retention.nutritionists recommend drinking plenty of water during the day to combat this problem by stimulating the kidney system.

To accomplish this task, we We can “help” our bodies in some way by eating foods with high diuretic value Such as vegetables or other foods that will help prevent dehydration and make up for the lack of essential elements such as fruits. To that end, Mercadona has launched an infusion that’s making a splash.

Infusions of certain plants, such as horsetail, are excellent for promoting fluid retention. All of these have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Horsetail contains chemicals that act as diuretics and increase urine production.

Although more and more people are now choosing to drink tea, or more specifically Green tea as a weapon against swelling. Tea is a great stimulant like coffee because of the theophylline it contains. Although, the real difference between the two beverages is the tea, specifically green tea, Has strong diuretic ability.

These two qualities make it a The ideal beverage to achieve the goal of reactivating the drainage of retained fluids. On the one hand, it stimulates the activity of the kidneys due to its diuretic properties, and on the other hand, it also stimulates the metabolic system due to its stimulating abilities.

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