Insurance and care for patients with infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are the main cause of common diseases in Spain. Influenza, COVID-19, vaginal candidiasis or herpes are obvious examples of diseases that are widely discussed throughout the year due to the large number of people affected. In fact, they were the main reason why Social Security waiting lists were so long during the peak epidemic period.

With your health insurance, you will have access to the insurance company’s entire medical team, allowing you to choose the medical center that best suits your needs.

Insurance and care for patients with infectious diseasesInsurance and care for patients with infectious diseases

In this article you will find…

Infectious diseases are conditions caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that invade your body and multiply pathogenic microorganisms. They can be spread in many ways, such as from person to person through ingestion of food or drinking poor quality water. Even the bites of some insects can cause pathological changes in the body when they come into direct contact with blood.

There are different types of infectious diseases, which vary according to the pathogen causing the infection in the body. They can be classified as follows:

  • bacteria: These diseases are caused by bacteria. This is the case with tuberculosis, salmonellosis or bacterial pneumonia, for example.
  • Viral: These diseases are caused by viruses. One of the most common is the common cold, which has sickened millions of people around the world for many years. Other examples could be COVID-19, HIV/AIDS or herpes.
  • Fungi: In this case, these diseases are caused by fungi. The most famous examples are vaginal candidiasis, ringworm or athlete’s foot.
  • parasitic: Finally, there are parasitic diseases caused by parasites. Parasites can be: protozoa, helminths (worms) or arthropods. One of the most famous examples is malaria, leishmaniasis or toxoplasmosis.

On the other hand, infectious diseases can also be classified according to their mode of transmission, mainly including:

  • Vector-borne diseases: They are spread by other organisms, such as malaria, which is spread by mosquitoes.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: They are spread through sexual contact, like syphilis or HIV.
  • Airborne diseases: There are diseases in the air that you can be infected without even realizing it. An obvious example of something that can spread through the air is influenza.
  • Fecal-oral borne diseases: There are other diseases that are spread through feces or drinking poor quality water. Some examples are hepatitis and cholera.

Through your health insurance, you will have access to all the diagnostic tests you need to diagnose or evaluate your condition by a specialist of your choice from your insurance company’s medical team.

Disease treatment depends on the origin and severity of the disease. Of course, they will also be covered by your health insurance so that your health is best protected. Below we will introduce to you the main treatments for such diseases:

  • antibiotic: Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial diseases. There are different types, each focusing on a different type of bacteria. These medications are prescribed by a specialist, and you must take the dosage as directed by your specialist, even if you already feel well and have no symptoms.
  • Antiviral drugs: Antiviral drugs are a specific treatment for viral infections. The most important benefits we’ve found include viral replication, symptom relief, and sometimes helping to prevent viral spread.
  • Antifungals: Antifungals are medications that treat fungal infections. There are different types:
    • Topical: Apply directly to the skin.
    • Systemic: However, these drugs are administered orally or intravenously.
  • Antiparasitic drugs: Antiparasitic drugs treat parasitic infections, thereby eliminating parasites from the body.
  • Analgesics or fever reducers: Sometimes it is necessary to apply other types of complementary treatments to help fight the disease, such as pain relievers and fever reducers. Additionally, adequate hydration and rest may be required.
  • vaccine: Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent disease on Earth. Thanks to them, they stimulate the immune system and in this way create a protective response against pathogens that cause infections.

With health insurance, you get complete medical assistance to conduct all types of medical tests to diagnose and determine the best treatment for your ailment. Additionally, you do not need to go to a Social Security GP pharmacy to collect your medicines, you can get a medical prescription from Private Health and go directly to the pharmacy.

Health insurance plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. With health insurance, you will be able to get all types of coverage that will help you get the best medical care with the most advanced technology in the market.

The infectious disease insurance policies policyholders need most are as follows:

  • Main medicine: Infectious diseases can be diagnosed and treated by your primary care physician. It is one of the most requested specialties in the private health sector for infectious disease insurance. Health insurance covers this specialty unlimitedly.
  • Hospitalization: If complications develop or the infection is severe, hospitalization may be required. This cover is available for Comprehensive Cover as well as Hospitalization and Emergency as any type of inpatient or outpatient or surgical intervention is not covered under Basic Cover.
  • Diagnostic tests: Diagnostic testing is critical in diagnosing conditions that may not be identifiable at first glance. Some examples that can be used for infectious diseases are: blood tests, screening tests, cultures, etc…
  • vaccine: Health insurance also covers the use of vaccines to prevent infectious diseases. However, the cost of the vaccine is usually borne by the insured.
  • Overseas aid: Health insurance covers medical emergencies abroad, so if you suffer from an infectious disease that requires emergency treatment, you will receive medical assistance. Insurance funding varies by insurance company.

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did you know…

It is important to remember that to prevent infectious diseases, hygiene and control measures are important, that is, practicing simple habits such as washing hands, disinfecting surfaces, covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and carrying tissues with you. The use of gloves, masks and protective clothing when handling patients is a necessary measure to control infectious diseases and prevent their spread.

In summary:

  • Infectious diseases, diseases caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
  • They can be spread from person to person by ingesting spoiled food or drinking water or through insect bites.
  • There are many treatments for infectious diseases, depending on the source of the infection that caused your condition.
  • To treat infectious diseases, there are treatments targeting all types of pathogens that cause the disease: antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitics.
  • Health insurance plays a fundamental role in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
  • The coverages most needed by policyholders with communicable diseases are: general medicine, diagnostic tests, hospitalization, emergencies and foreign assistance.

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