Interesting film Reality Winner

Interesting news for fans de Sydney Sweeney! The talented actress surprises us with a new project that allows us to see her from a completely new side. Additionally, this film, co-written and directed by Tina Sutterit is available in Filmin and marks a turning point in the career of your leading actress, Sydney He is known for his individual articles in the same vein. Euphoria, Child’s story th White Lotus.

Sydney told us that she was the last main character in the film. Reality, a production that sheds light on a powerful story based on real life. In this film, Sweeney personifies Reality Winner (yes, that’s her name), a former intelligence specialist whose life turned into a series of contecimientos when she became a key figure in the conspiracy of Russian interference in the current 2016 elections.

Intriguing reality film

Find out the real story behind the reality film

Filmmaker Tina Sutter made contact with Reality Winner’s family after her last conviction in 2018. Just like Sydney Sweeney, she can host in-person Zoom reunions with the main character following her release from prison in 2021. Winner’s early release was due. for his good behavior, given that his sentence represents the longest prison term imposed for disseminating government information to the media.

Reality Winner is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served from 2010 to 2016. After completing her military service, she moved to Augusta, Georgia, where she met as a translator and interpreter for Pluribus International Corporation, a company hired by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Reality film

Although his main job was translating documents related to Iran’s spatial program, he was informed that he was indicating possible Russian interference in the presidential election. The winner anonymously distributed this information to online media. Interception, prompting a series of warnings from the NSA as media outlets attempted to confirm the authenticity of the documents. The NSA soon notified the FBI.

The Justice Department announced Reality Winner’s arrest on June 5, just two days after his arrest featured in the film and just hours before The Intercept published a story based on information about the origins of the ruso hack. The 26-year-old was sentenced to five years and three months in prison under the Trump administration’s new espionage law.

Reality film

In the court system, Winner pleaded guilty and accepted responsibility. an undeniable mistake has occurred. Meanwhile, Julian Assange has offered a reward for information leading to the identification of the man convicted as a minor. Editor chef de Interception he issued a communiqué deploring the “selective and politically motivated prosecution of whistleblowers under the Espionage Act,” pointing out that it constituted an attack on the Primera Enmienda, which would in time be the subject of a rigorous historical investigation. judicial branch.

Reality film

Reality: Revealing the Impressive Truth About the Reality Winner’s Case

In the trailer, we witness Reality Winner’s intense interrogation by the FBI as agents struggle to unravel her true intentions and pressure her to confess. If after watching this story you have any doubts about whether this film is worth your attention, then now you cannot miss this intriguing story. movie

Artist: Sarai Christel Hernandez

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