Interior leaders call for greater prevention to avoid sexually transmitted infections

Biochemist and teacher Ignacio Aguirre is a recognized figure in raising awareness about HIV prevention in Córdoba. For his work with the Jesús María organization, he was chosen Córdoba Person of the Year in 2012. Today, Aguirre confirmed an increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. There is a vision that explains it: Do nothing.

“We are reaping the fruits of our inaction. Three years ago, for many the only health-related concern was the arrival of COVID-19, with other infections taking a back seat, including sexually transmitted infections, which remains a Absolutely hot question,” Aguirre reflected.

He adheres to an idea he outlined when he founded the NGO Adolescents Against AIDS (Aces) in 1992: “The best thing for us is not to get infected, although there are treatments and people who are on them do .” will eventually die from any other disease. “There’s one thing missing about HIV,” he said.

HIV campaign

It also refers to the urgency of complying with the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Act, which remains absent from classrooms in most institutions despite being in force for many years. “Without education, this issue will fall into silence. If the adult world repeatedly refuses to debate this issue, the consequences are obvious,” Aguirre added, warning: “If there are indiscriminate viruses or bacteria, They are sexually transmitted viruses or bacteria. ‘Infections absolutely affect all social classes’

Aguirre sees the fact that Argentina is one of the few countries in the world where HIV treatment is completely free as very positive.

fourth quarter

Marisel Roldán, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the San Antonio de Padua Hospital in Rio Cuarto, recalls that 140,000 people in the country are infected with HIV, and 5,300 people are infected with the virus every year, 98% of whom contract the virus through sex without condoms. . Of these, 65,000 are receiving state treatment.

Roldán noted that as of 2023, 31 cases of HIV infection had been detected in Río Cuarto provincial hospitals: 20 women and 11 men. Of these women, five became pregnant and their newborns tested negative in the first control.

At the Prevention Center, counseling and testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C is performed on a voluntary, free and confidential basis. So far this year, 341 studies have been conducted. For example, in addition to 31 cases of HIV, 56 cases of syphilis were detected this way.

“The young people detected this year are aged between 17 and 25, although the average age is between 35 and 45. There are cases in the private medical sector but complaints do not go through hospitals,” he said.


“It is important to promote the use of condoms and rapid free tests so that diagnosis can be made with just one prick and all doubts and misconceptions can be cleared up close. There is a lot of fear and discrimination when it comes to infectious diseases due to lack of knowledge. When people are educated That’s starting to change, and that’s why we have lower mortality rates,” Roldan said.

Villa Maria

Villa Maria has seen an increase in late-stage HIV and syphilis cases, the public health center office confirmed. One source working in the public sector noted that the numbers had been growing “in an impressive way”. At the same time, the incidence of hepatitis B is lower.

Health professionals associated with these professions point out that the higher incidence among younger people with better education is not due to a lack of information.

Possible reasons for the rise include not using condoms, higher divorce rates among young people and more chaotic sex lives, they said. They also speculate that the age at which people become sexually active has increased.

Free STI testing is performed every morning from 7:30 to 10 am in the laboratory of the Pasteur Provincial Hospital without prior appointment.

8 facts about HIV you should know (La Voz/Archivo)

san francisco

Fernanda Foresta, an infectious disease doctor at the Ituraspe Provincial Hospital in San Francisco, noted that at least compared with last year, “new cases have remained stable, with approximately 10 to 12 cases of HIV detected each year.” . Regarding syphilis, he noted that syphilis is on the rise, especially among young people.

Regarding whether testing among highly educated young people has increased, the doctor said: “We have not seen so many highly educated patients in the hospital. But the cause of infection is often due to a lack of information and care from everyone.”

Regarding access to testing and treatment, he noted that at this reference hospital in the region, “testing is done free of charge and people without social work can receive biannual tests for free through the provincial HIV and STD program.” They receive medication every month. ” At the same time, he noted, “On the private side, social work is notified of the infection and is then responsible for the management of antiretroviral treatment. “

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