Internet celebrity skin cream brings “disaster” to teenagers

At just 15 years old, Paul asked his mother for a dozen acne products.I found them on TikTok where a boy posted a before and after photo along with a whole list of recommended good skin care products, the term means skin care It is in English and has become very popular in recent years. For example, on the list are: Exfoliating acids can cause skin to peel Becomes more sensitive to solar radiation, resulting in spots or burns. Her mother refused to buy her these products and she began to investigate and became increasingly interested in the world of cosmetics.

Her interest led her to create her own healthy and ecological cosmetics brand a year later. Mi Moir. “The message of focusing on health rather than aesthetics works well for mature audiences, but unfortunately it doesn’t for teenagers as they are Deeply Influenced by Beauty Codes “They see things on social networks,” explains Laura Pinar, who remembers the median age of her first beauty treatment having passed. From 35 to 20 in just ten years. Mimoil’s founders are convinced that social networks have turned young people into “slaves devoid of natural beauty.”

“Influencers are like prescribers of cosmetics, but what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. They recommend Aggressive products marketed without any medical standards“, he warns. Additionally, they add that the products they recommend contain chemical formulas that may lose their effectiveness or even be harmful when mixed. In fact, influencers recommend skin care routines with as many as ten steps and products. ” Even a product that is non-comedogenic, meaning one that does not clog pores, can become comedogenic if mixed with another product. For example, a mixture of exfoliating acids and retinol, may cause real harm“, he warned.

Responsible skin care is key to avoiding skin damage/Pixabay

Cosmetic acne stems from irresponsible skin care issues

Dermatologist Cristina Paradero Agree that mixing and applying products to age groups is not recommended Can be disastrous for skin. “Often, their recommendations are simply not in line with the needs of teenagers. It’s already questionable for influencers to recommend face creams to adults, imagine if they recommended face creams to children,” he exclaimed.Paradero remembers “Children are not smaller versions of adults” There are some products that your skin cannot remove. “Our skin is alive and we have to respect the way it functions, which functions differently as an adult than as a child,” he added.

In fact, Paradero was surprised because the goal of adult skin care is often to restore the exact skin we had as children. “If children already have such good skin care, then using adult products, The skin flora changes and bacteria, such as those that cause acne, overgrow.. That’s why we’re already talking about cosmetic acne of our own making,” the expert explains.

Turn skin care into a business

Dermatologists believe that the entire problem stems from the following facts: Influencers create complexes for young people Because they use Instagram filters to make their skin look perfect. “Teenagers find themselves looking less like Instagram filters, which alter skin texture, which complicates them and leads them to buy products to improve their skin,” he explains.

At this point, influencers will promote products with skin similar to theirs, and teenagers will run to buy these products to look like them. “They lock themselves in the bathroom for three hours and use all these products when The only thing they have to do at this age is wash their face with non-corrosive soap and apply moisturizer. If they have dry skin,” he explains.

“Cosmetic acne occurs because When products are used they can clog the skin, causing inflammatory lesions.. More and more,” explained the expert, who assured that during her consultations, some mothers did not know how to refuse when their children asked to use these cosmetics. The expert explained that good habits must be based on personalization and personalization basically. A far cry from the “marketing philosophy” of influencersthe facial cream it promotes has “very few ingredients and is rich in preservatives and stabilizers.”

most influential people

Director of the Master’s Degree in Medicinal Dermatology and Cosmetology at the University at Buffalo, Teresa Arcade, agrees with her colleagues that influencer recommendations contribute to this growing problem. “It’s common to use products because they’re on TikTok or Influencers advertise for them without knowing if it’s suitable for their skin type or their specific needs,” Alcalde explains.

“Influencers have to stop giving advice on topics they know nothing about. There are Excellent cosmetics promoterthey have knowledge and give good advice, but there are many influencers who give advice by advertising products without knowledge because brands pay them,” the expert denounced. Consider this Recommending lipstick or perfume is very different from recommending cosmetics Apply to skin. “But it’s clear that many teenagers only listen to what influential people say,” he criticized.

To avoid this abuse, experts insist Products and usage procedures must be supervised and recommended by professionals, such as a pharmacist, dermatologist or beautician who specializes in dermatology, to avoid overburdening or poor bonding of the skin. “I advise parents, if their child needs a certain product, to consult one of the experts rather than purchase any product advertised online.”

Many products have a dark side that we are unaware of.

The cosmetics industry also has a dark side” says Laura Pinar, who has experienced it firsthand. “I have never been able to use traditional creams and cleansers because they make me Eye irritation, redness, and suffocation.That’s why I was interested in ingredients and preservatives and discovered that most products contain toxic ingredients,” he explains. These toxic ingredients are even considered toxic Potential carcinogen and endocrine disruptor This can cause very serious illness.

“Conventional products can also harm nature because they contain petroleum derivatives and microplastics,” he warned. He assures that the most important thing is for consumers to accept themselves for who they are: “Healthy skin is always beautiful skin. We all want to look young and healthy, but the products sold online are not natural and can harm our physical and mental health. ”

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