Ira Sachs: Director of the film “Przejscha” for the American LGBTQ+

Ira Sachs It was released in 1965 in Memphis, where the film was released in Utah. Ojciec Sachsa arrived in Park City, and the young people of Ira spent time with the best audience at the Sundance festival, and were also able to identify themselves with the best holy film, Square. Once again, the first film was shown at the Sundance Film Festival. After studying at UCL at New York University Sachs, you can study at Nowego Jorku and enjoy filmmaking practice. Please watch The Assistant with Normane Renée in terms of the film. “Old Comrade” possible or early AIDS epidemic in New York. Praca ta zapewniła Sachsowi not only the first films, but also now.

“To było przełomowe doświadczenie. Poznałem wielu Filmowców, szczególnie tych pracujących w pionie artystycznym. Kelly Reichardt (icon of independent American cinema) and I loved the Zen of ‘Longtime Companion’. o Czym Kelly Reichardt nigdy nie pozwoliła mi zamnieć,” recalls Sachs.

Młody asystent reżysera Marzył jednak o implementation of the national project. Based on two Sachs short films made in 1997. “Delta”. About the scripts created by Mauricio Zacharias, it is worth saying that the script is based on the script “Przesciach”. “Delta” in the history of the development and discovery of bisexual youth in Tennessee. “The film was written in New York, where we are, and we grow up in Memphis. The inspiration was my memory, reflection and date or tym mieście” – mówi reżyser. Delta premiered at Sundance after two reviews at Sachs 2019, its first year of premiere.

I’m making a film (a little more than a patch or a debt) Nagrodzone Główną Nagrodą Jury of the Sundance festival “Forty Shades of Blue” about music production in Memphis, and I came across it with my colleagues. Wloim trzecim film “The Lives of Malzhenski” – adapted versions of “Five Roundabouts to Heaven” (based on the screenplay by Alfred Hitchcock) – Sachs przenosi bohaterów do lat 40. i snuje na poły kryminalną opowieść o probie morderstwa. A story showing that these are the highlights and screenings of Sachsowi films that are brilliant of his languid impressions.

In 2012, the director showed his black film in Park City. “Zostan ze me”. The film is about a party dedicated to Sachse with Billem Kleggij, a literary agent who, in early 2010, wrote a letter about his return from control. Critics described the film as “wciągający portret współczesnego życia w Nowym Jorku”. “Zostań ze mną” was nominated for the Independent Spirit Awards, dedicated to the last fairytale film, the first director and the last screenplay. The film was presented in Berlin, where Sachs published a Teddy Award for best film or LGBTQ+ theme. Cztery lata później Sachs Powrócił do Berlina z Filmem “Small Men”April 2023 – from the film “Przejscha”.

In 2019, the American Sachs released the film from European distribution – it was realized in a Portuguese film “Frankie” about moderate actors who spend the rest of their lives in their homeland. The leading roles include the best European actors: Isabelle Huppert, Jeremy Renier, Brendan Gleeson, Pascal Greggory and Marisa Tomei.

The European version of the film is available in the same style as Sachs’ previous film, which was released in Europe, just like we did in France. W “Przejściach” Sachs exploruje dynamikę wieloletniego związku mężczyzn, w którym pojawia się pkusa, author of heterosexual novels. The main characters are the narcissistic director Thomas (Franz Rogowski), his brother Martin (Ben Whishaw) or Agatha (Adele Exarchopoulos).

The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw has a new film starring Erica Romera, Woody Train and Nori Efron. Ira Sachs: private prices that may be associated with two children. Poproszony Przez Magazyn “Sight & Sound” or Wytypowanie Swoich Ulubionych Filmów, Wskazał Między Innnymi: “JA, Ty, On, Ona” Chantal Akerman, “Na Los Szczęścia, Baltazarze” Robert Bresson Oraz “Tęsknotę Veroniki Vossb dera. “To films, who explained to me what it is, with a similar stopniu, yak przyczynili się do tego: my ojciec i matka, moje rozenstwo, kuzyni i przyjaciele” – mówi reżyser.

Ira Sachs is a 2013 Guggenheim Award winner in creative writing. “Last Address,” the latest film now part of the AIDS group, is based on material from the Whitney Museum and MoMA. Sachs created Queer/Art, a nonprofit that replaces LGBTQ+ artists, and who’s kidding the director of wykonawczym.

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