Is it necessary to get a flu shot after a cold due to low compliance in San Juan?

winter is in its last weeks Flu vaccination rates remain low in San Juan. so far only About 65% of the target audience has been vaccinated, experts say, and that number should be closer to 90% by now. The good news is that there is still time to get your dose. Just, no matter what you think, The vaccine can be given year-round, even after a cold has passed.

“Influenza vaccination is done year-round because the vaccine not only It covers seasonal flu, but also strains that circulate continuously in summer and influenza A. It is therefore necessary to remind people that they can go to the health center at any time,” commented Fabio Muñoz, head of the immunization program at the province’s Ministry of Health.

he remembers Those who are in risk groups and can receive doses for free are Health and essential personnel, pregnant and postpartum women, children from 6 months to 24 months, people over 65 years old and people with comorbidities from 2 years to 65 years old.

“While, as in previous years, the most vaccinated group is the over 65s, this time around they are still rarely vaccinated. People don’t go to health centers, we’ve done some door-to-door campaigns, but it’s hard to cover the whole province,” Muñoz said.

COVID-19 Vaccination

On the other hand, Munoz recalled Vaccines against coronavirus still available at all vaccination centers health center of the province.

In this case, he explained, In good health, without comorbidities and under the age of 50, Doses should be given at intervals of one year. although, People over that age or with a medical condition They should be vaccinated every 6 months.

This advice applies to persons over the age of the case of children, Vaccination starts at 6 months and is maintained on a schedule of only four doses in total (two doses and two booster doses in the main schedule).

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